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Glue Fail


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Read a bunch of different postings on gluing live rock together. I mainly need the top 3 stuck together since they teeter on one another and sometimes will fall if I accidently knock them. I tried the loctite super glue gel. It was almost $5 for a little bottle at lowes. I took the LR out of the water onto a trash bag I had on the floor, test fitted the pieces and dried them then put a crap load of glue on all the pieces I could see were making contact. Think the bottle said 10 second hold time but I waited almost a minute but as soon as I put it in the water they didn't hold. Does anyone have any better suggestions?

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Thanks. I read the whole article but it never mentioned anything about sticking LR together. I do see the benefit to using this though on frags rather than using the frag plugs. Have you used this to stick your LR together?

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Yes their already wet but I do towel try them and I don't mind taking them out for a few minutes but I don't want a massive die off to happen so I want to limit the curing time. I may see if I can drill a tiny hole through it and try the rods/zip ties route but I was hoping to use some sort of glue or epoxy to make them stable.

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I ended up using gorilla glue. That stuff works wonders and expands also. I towel dried the rocks real quick and gorilla glued the hell out of the 5 pieces I was sticking together. It took about 5 minutes of holding for it to get very sticky and start expanding. The hard part was trying to put this new chunk of rock in my tank and make sure it was balanced on my big middle one but I got it in.

So Gorilla Glue thumbsup.gif

Now I get to pick at my hands all day since I got glue all over them....doh.gif



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Awesome rock tower!

And I just happened to use some gorilla glue last night while fragging, as I ran out of the other glue I had. Was not sure how well the corals would take to it, but two of the frags where still there this morning.

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