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Lots of misc equipment for sale


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Euro-reef RS 180 (w/ recirc mod) skimmer – For you that have seen my tank or the video of it, this skimmer was the backbone of my filtration system. It began its life as a regular RS 180 for about two years. After getting the Elos, and not liking the Elos skimmer, I did the recirc mod (modifying it to take an Ehiem 1262 needle wheel recirc pump from Euro-reef with their kit) and used it for about another two years on my 200 gal Elos. Original RS180 was $500, a recirc (RC series) is now $1000. I’ll sell it for $250 (includes Ehiem 1262). For an extra $100, I also have another Ehiem 1262 specifically made for this mod that I got so I could take one pump off to clean and immediately replace it with the spare so I never went without a skimmer.

Trigger Systems skimmer – would need some work to get going, but I still have most of the parts. Was using it for second chamber for Ca reactor, but with a few parts, could be fully functioning skimmer (was over $400 originally). $50

Two 400W CoralVue ballasts – $100 each

Two Luminarc full size Modul reflectors (with glass screens) – one used for about a month, the other still new. $120 for new one, $100 for slightly used one.

Two Icecap 430-008 T5 or VHO ballasts (NIB) – $90 OBO

Four 5 foot VHO bulbs (NIB) Super Actinic - $10 each

Coralife Turbo-Twist UV Sterilizer – used forr 2 – 3 months, so bulb should have a good deal of life yet. $75 OBO

Tunze 6100 Stream, includes magent holder - $100

Eheim 1262 pump - $100 OBO

Refractometer - $20

Four TwoLittleFishes reactors - $10 each

Hanna hand held TDS meter - $15

Deltec Kalkwasser reactor (never used) - $100

Ancient Mariner gravel washer – has all the bells and whistles, extension tube, extra filtration chamber, etc.. I used it a few times, came from Dale who used it once, who got it from Greenmako who used it only a few times. Obviously still like new. Over $400 new. Sell for $150 OBO.

4 foot dual T5 fixture - $20

Mixing station (pic below) – includes stand, two 55 blue barrels, one 40 gal RO/DI barrel, two Danner mag drive pumps, Artica 1/10 HP chiller, Husky mixing barrel, piping, etc. $400 Will consider parting out.

Tons of PVC fittings, valves, etc., both white and Sch 80, will sell for very cheap. If you are planning a plumbing project, you need to come here first and save lots of $$.

Aquaripure Coil Denitrator (never used). Was orinially $250, will sell it for $50 just to get rid of it.

Magnvore algae cleaner – these are $100 - $150. Still in great shape. $40

Tsunami Wave make, 4 plug - $25

Lots of other stuff – Deltec Ca media, test kits, small Maxi-Jet pumps, etc. Much of the small stuff will be given away to people who purchase stuff from above. However if you want to come look and make an offer on some of it, that’s fine too. There are hundreds of dollars of stuff here, just don’t want to mess with sorting it out and listing it seperately.


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Since Roland responded first on the 2LF reactors, I'm verifying how many he wants. I still need to get the pic up for the mixing station.

Myvirtue - 1st for the Icecap ballast (the 430-008 flourescent?) and 1st for a 55 gal barrel if I part out the mixing station. If someone is interested in the Artica chiller, I probably will be willing to part it out.

Toxiq reef - what do you mean about the VHO's? The bulbs? If so, you are 1st for those. Please confirm.

Woods - got you for the T5 fixture.

I'm answering all the PMs now. Once I verify with Roland about the reactors, I'll answer the other inquiries about them.


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Stephen what model is the kalk reactor? im interested. i smashed a DIY one i bought with a sledg hammer cause it killed mostg my sps due to not being air tight and dumping a months worth of kalk into the tank at once.


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Phamily - I think all the reactors are spoken for, but the denitrator is yours if you want it. Let me know.

Olaggie and mhart302 - The kalk reactor is a Deltec. I can't find the model # on it (I don't think Deltec ever puts their model #'s on their stuff). The reactor is 18 and 1/2 inches tall and has a footprint of 5 and 1/2 x 5 and 1/2 inches.

Medi - The chiller is $200 if parted out from the mixing station.

Toxiq Reef - the bulbs are reserved for you.


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Optimuz11 - there is one guy from MAAST that is ahead of you on the Tsunami, but he hasn't committed yet. I'll give him the rest of today to do so, if not, it is yours.

Mhart032 - You were first to voice interest on the Deltec. Do you want it, or should I go ahead and make the deal with Olaggie01?


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