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Canister Filter VS Protein Skimmer


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hey guys, Im a fresh water guy about to jump into the marine world. I have a 30 gallon bow front aquarium and want to go with a reef set up. Im kinda stuck on wether to purchase a canister filter or a protein skimmer. can you guys chime in on what will work best?

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well you aren't comparing apples to apples. A canister filter is basically a place to put filter media (like activated carbon, chemical sponges, etc) and can be a nitrate farm (not a good thing) for a saltwater tank

A protein skimmer uses air bubbles to pull out organic stuff (fish poop, pee, etc) in the water. Protein skimmers help reduce your nitrates and are an essential element of any successful saltwater aquarium.

Your canister filter days are behind you, time to step into the saltwater addiction and leave the freshwater equipment behind... :doh:

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If you want to save on cost you can start-up the tank and cycle w/o the protein skimmer. You will want to buy one before adding corals IMO. You can start-up the saltware tank, add your liverock and within 4 weeks you will want to have added one.

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I'd encourage you to get Sprung and Delbecks "Reef Aquarium Vol III". Chapters 5, 6, 7and 8 cover water chemistry, filtration methodology, water movement and lighting and I feel are an excellent place to start. Beside the wealth of first hand experience here (I've been keeping saltwater for 23 years and find this a very useful site for info) two other sites I like are http://www.wetwebmedia.com and http://www.advancedaquarist.com , and to reiterate Mcallahan "keep asking all the questions you want".

I would also encourage you to keep simplicity in mind when designing and putting together your systems (I use the plural because I'm pretty sure you'll be setting up bigger and/or additional tanks to feed your addiction :) ). Over the years I've seen systems with all the bells and whistles but were failing because of poor design or layout made maintaining them an onerous chore. Here's a interesting article talking about this http://www.wetwebmed...es/Advances.htm

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The "Simple guide to marine aquariums" book I picked up from Petsmart got me up and running. It was an easy and helpful read with lots of pictures(my kind of book). My first tank was a 55 gallon with a Filstar canister filter and a red sea prism protein skimmer( I hate the prisms and would never recommend it by the way). I ran it for four years just fine with fish and some leathers, mushrooms and such. However, if your like most of us, no matter how convinced you are that your just going to dip your toe in the water and get a fish only set up, you are most likely going to end up with corals at some point. That being said, you might as well get the all of the neccesary basic equiptment up front.

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