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Metal Halide Help


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I bought a MH lamp (70) to install on my tank. The bulb does not work. I need to buy a new one. I don't understand with the 10 k, 14k, etc. means. Would someone explain please? Also, does it matter if it is HQI or not? Will both work or one OR the other? thanks, theresa

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The K rating of a bulb is related to the color temperature the bulb produces. 10K being closets to daylight. The higher the number the bluer the color. If you want great coral growth 10K's are used but, thier light output is usually yellow and very unpleasing. You can get good coral growth with a 14 or 20K which a bluer. The 70W is a must. You can not, well you can, fire a 250W with a 70W ballast. You can damage both the bulb and the ballast.

I hope this helps.

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The 10K, 14K stands for color temperature of the bulb. The higher the number the bluer the light out of the bulb. This usually equates to less light out of the bulb as well so sometimes it might be better to go with a 10 or 12K versus a 20K bulb. Consideration should be given to the lighting conditions the corals you get were grown under.

It deffinately matters on the type of bulb whether mogul, HQI or HID . They are not interchangeble and there are also differences between manufacturers in output. I don't have any personal experience with any 70W MH so hopefully someone out there can give advice on their experiences. Manufacturers I like for 250W anf 400W bulbs are Pheonix and Ushio. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/ routinely evaluates bulb and is a good resource for information along with wetwebmedia.com and both have a lot more information about lighting.

Ya'll are faster typers than me :)

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