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Which Koralia's??


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I have a 55 gallon mix reef I am getting the new koralia eveo's and was wondering which ones should i get. Was thinking of 1- 750 and 1 -nano 425 putting one on each side? Should i get these or 2-750's?? Please help me decide give me your opinon and choice. Thanks -chris

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Why not the 1400? You could use it later when you upgrade. I would just put one on either side and run them with a controller to get some nice flow. I have heard great things about these.

If I had a 75 I would definitely get the 1400 but I'm afraid of stripping some of the corals bare with too much flow in my 55g. Good suggestion though. I also have my return from the sump. I'm thinking the 2 750's will work due to what Derek said about His 29g.

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Why not the 1400? You could use it later when you upgrade. I would just put one on either side and run them with a controller to get some nice flow. I have heard great things about these.

If I had a 75 I would definitely get the 1400 but I'm afraid of stripping some of the corals bare with too much flow in my 55g. Good suggestion though. I also have my return from the sump. I'm thinking the 2 750's will work due to what Derek said about His 29g.

Two 1400 gph powerheads would not strip your corals, unless you're pointing them directly at something less than a few inches away.

I don't think two 750 is enough flow. You probably need something in between.

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