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Club Equipment - PAR Meter


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I think this is a great idea. We do something very similar in the Pond Society: there it is pond vacs. I am not ready to be a charter member but I have a 'lil input nonetheless. First I would not let anyone rent it longer than a week unless there were no other renters when it is to be returned. I would impose a fine, perhaps similar to what you have laid out, if someone is waiting to use it, or allow them one additional week at a time, at the regular rate (17.50/wk), if there are no pending users. I have a BIG problem with the 'you break you pay for it policy'. I don't know this equipment but being an electronic piece of equipment being dunked in saltwater, surely the odds of it breaking through proper use increase as it gets older. In the APS we say that you are responsible for repairing or replacing it if there are obvious signs of misuse. Yeah if you return the par meter and it has a big dent in it... well maybe you just bought a par meter. But I would think somewhere along the line it's just gonna quit working properly. Maybe the last guy dropped it on their concrete floor, but it's not untill you handled it a couple times that some loose part inside actually separated. Maybe it is much less obvious than something rattling around inside. Is Shane going to be so enamored with this concept that year in and year out, each and every time not only does he test to make sure that it is working, but also that it is working properly and accurately. I don't know what the answer is. A lower ceiling on the liablilty? ($100). With the pond vacs you are not liable unless there is obvious misuse. The machines have always been rented enough to just buy another one if they stop working properly. AFter almost 4 years not one has just outright broken.... they just quit working the way they should. I doubt that this par meter is a commercial instrument. Do you really know that the expected life of this meter is longer than 42 weeks, especially since each user will probably be using it much more than a single user would 'per use'. (42= 11 charter members 2x, 20 rentals totaling $350). This may be the equivalent of MANY years of typical sporatic use. End of thoughts..


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I am having second thoughts about the idea of being a charter member. I still think it would be a good idea for the club, however I do not want to make a monetary committment without first seeing a finalized set of rules, fees, a contract if you will.

My reason are this: Fixed limited income=a large deposit that would tie up to much money needed elsewhere or for other toys, corals, etc.

2nd is that I can't see using it more then twice a year if at all due to having to schedule usage and the availablility of it and my time. 3rd is the added cost of driving into Austin to get it and return it. There are other concerns involved (ie would multiple users negate the manufacturers warrenty) but those above are my major ones at this time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also curious to know where this is at. Did you guys purchased the PAR meter? I'm interested in contributing if it hasn't been purchased and the interest is still there.

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