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Watching a fallow tank


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There have to be only a few things in life that make time drag slower than watching a fallow tank.

And for the record, testing the water parameters every time you come home doesn't make it go any faster.

The system currently has only dead sand in it. (old live sand that's been dry and washed for 1yr)

I'm still waiting for the live rock to get here!

So there's not even a fire worm to watch yet.

The water params are perfect and have been so for the last 4 days, which cause burning urges to at least drop in a few snails, hermits, and such. But I'm not sure what will happen when I add the live rock.

As far as adding some sort of bacterial agent to start priming the system, what are the thoughts about using some of the old water from water changes from an existing tank?


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The live rock should add enough bacteria in the system to kick it off.

For kicks, you could add a few hermits to roam the desert until the rock work gets there :lol: They should be able to handle the cycle that will ensue once the live rock is added.

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... For kicks, you could add a few hermits to roam the desert until the rock work gets there :) They should be able to handle the cycle that will ensue once the live rock is added.

Muahhhahaha :lol: Now look what you've done!

I'm off to buy hermits so that they may roam the desert!:crab:

Mama, any chance you are around and about and have hermits 10 or so of them?

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Will Nori suffice? Or should it be something a bit more robust? A clip with nori on it is pretty doable!

It probably will as long as they can reach it. I was thinking of something like pellets, but I don't see why algae would not work.

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Talk to Shane @ fishy business about a product he has called TLC. From what I've heard, its a bacterial kickstarter that you can just pour in and add fish. I think you have to keep up small additional TLC doses for a couple weeks until you build up naturally.

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