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So it looks like a lot of folks just don't use heaters on there tanks. In Central Texas I can see not needing one the vast majority of the year, but right now, with the T5 lighting I'm running I need a heater.

I am thinking about upgrading to some VHO lighting in a couple months, but my understanding is that still (probably fortunately) doesn't put off a lot of heat at least not like the NMH lights.

Given my recent past experience, if I'm going to have to get another heater for my tank, I'd like something as safe as possible, so for those of you that do run a heater, what would you suggest?



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I use a Stealth Heather on a nighttime timer, so it comes on after my MH lights go off. They're supposed to be pretty safe, though I have heard of one or two cases of them failing. I would definitely choose them over glass, though. Look for something shatterproof.

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As I replace mine, two main things I am replacing with:

1) Shatterproof - either plastic or titanium

2) Fully submersible - believe me, go ahead and get this, it will pay off later and I don't think it costs much more, if any


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One of the only 'toys' that I have sprung for (so far) is a separate controller for my heater and cooling fans. I was really lucky and about the time I decided I wanted that someone was selling one on ARC for nice and cheap. It may not be in your budget and the 'Lite' controllers don't have all the functions and tests but I think they will still manage your heater, fans and lights, if not more? There are some heaters that come with stand alone controllers/thermostats for I think less than $50. The titanium is right around there I believe. Of course all this addresses the most common failure of heaters, namely going out stuck on 'ON', or a poor thermostat. Exploding heaters, I think, are pretty rare. Shattered glass is most often from having them out of water and then submersing them hot. Doing a water change can accomplish the same thing. I actually took my plastic stealth out of my DT because I wanted to be able to see the light that comes on when the heater turns on, and the stealth does not have one. I have had as many as 14 aquariums (always with a heater) and been keeping fish for 9 or 10 years and the only failure of anything heater I have ever had, cheap or expensive, is not holding a reliable temperature. So either I have had very good luck or most likely it was very poor luck to have encountered an 'exploding' heater. As they often say YRMV.


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