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Everything posted by Chrispar

  1. whoops my bad, didnt see that it was a glass brace...
  2. dont use silicone, it will seperate. Use nylon bolts and a piece of acrylic. here is how it looks on my bowfront. its not that hard to do and it can be done with the clamp on as you have it. So much stronger than even the original brace was IMO.
  3. yeah im banking on it being Cyano, Since you told me you were feeding a lil heavy last time you were here, ust cut down on feedings and direct flow at the spots and it should clear up. If not, Ive got some red slime remover that will work wonders.
  4. Chrispar


    wow nice mother
  5. Chrispar


    they almost look like the clove polyps I have in my tank...............Almost.
  6. I run a 150w MH on my 29 tall and i have no issues with over heating.
  7. Happy Birthday Corey, Have a good one.
  8. i think 0911 is a universal gate code so emergency vehicles can gain access its worked at most gated places i lived.
  9. Chrispar

    New start-up

    good luck lol.
  10. Chrispar

    New start-up

    Yikes!!!! what size is it?
  11. Chrispar

    New start-up

    Is that a rimless bowfront ?
  12. I used Krylon fusion on the wall of my nano that separates everything and it is running fine, no apparent damage to anything at this point.
  13. I think in his forum, Under :what I can do for you. It says 20 a hole. if you factor in a bulkhead yeah 25 is about right. but just the hole is 20.
  14. Yea, I wouldnt use them on anything in my home, But if it was at a place of business where my customers were #1 on my list and not the maintenance on my tanks the fake corals would be the way to go.
  15. Thats my theory, I got one as a hitchhiker on a piece of coral and Im glad its in there. If you dont want the "worm filled ngihtmares" dont watch them.
  16. I had a CB shrimp do that he escaped by pulling his own arm off
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