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Posts posted by muddybluewater

  1. Red bugs do not lay eggs they are live birth. Their life span with out a host is 3-4 days, They will only host acros. They will not host millis or montis. I treated my acros out of my tank in a QT for 5 days and it has been several weeks with no sign of any bugs. One 5 day treatment. I treated them for 12 hours and then did a 80% water change with tank water. I did a second water change on day 3. I then left them in the QT for 2 more days . On the 5th day I retreated for 2 hours and then returned everything to the display tank. my 2 cents

  2. That is a good point Mike. Would it not be better to go with 2 400w instead of 3 250w though? I would like to see the difference in par ratings at different water levels between the 400s and 250s and for that matter 250s in Hello reflectors vs Luminarcs.

  3. A couple of things natural sea water is actually 1.026. Not much will it make it at 1.035.

    Things you need for saltwater

    1 Patience

    2 Patience

    3 Patience

    4 ask as many questions as you can

    5 Research all purchases, you can waste a lot of money in this hobby

    6 Saltwater is very different than FW

    7 The larger the system the more stable and easier to keep

    8 reef keeping is an addiction, Welcome

  4. Just keep an eye on the want to sell threads. Some one is always selling tanks for one reason or another. It is better to do things right the first time. It may seem expensive but will save you money over spending it twice by making mistakes

  5. Get rid of both of the filters. Canisters really don't have a place in saltwater. Yes you would need an overflow box if your tank is not drilled. The other option is to have it drilled. Dave at Epic reef can drill it for you. I am a big believer in skimmers, I also feel that Octopus skimmers are the best value on the market. You should definitely put in a sump with a refugium. I would build a sump out of a 20g long. You can buy one at petsmart for $25 and another $15 for acrylic or glass and silicone you have a sump.

  6. I don't like phyto, IME it just causes problems. If you feel you need to feed corals use oyster feast or similar. It can't hurt to rinse the mysis, try it for a couple weeks and see if it helps. The cyano is feeding off the phos and waste in the substrate. That is why high amouts of flow are required in a reef tank to keep it suspended in the water column until it can be removed. The other source of removal is CUC. I like skimmers for removing waste. I know subsea does not. There are many methods in this hobby to achieve the same goal.

  7. As stated above the rock could very well be the problem. Something else to think about is what you are feeding. Flake food is also a source of phos. Pellet is better or frozen. If you are using frozen, thaw it and then strain the water out. Add only the solid to your tank and see if that helps.

  8. come on you don't need info just send him $155. He does have 2 posts here and has them listed for sale on several other sites. You can always hope that there are no pests in his tank. Sorry for the sarcasm but it seems strange.

  9. When I said I had to change them out I meant that I had to have my electrician change them. They were on a 20 amp breaker and 12-2 wire. All of this per the 2008 NEC. My house is wired to the 2000 NEC and has 20amp breakers in it. Definitely look at you panel and see what size breaker you have. A 14-2 might be an issue with 20amps but I would have to look it up. I am not an electrician but do own a copy of the 2008 NEC.

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