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Everything posted by muddybluewater

  1. I would talk to Chad and Belinda before putting a Sargent major from the coast into your tank.
  2. Candy cane pending 4 yellow polyps pending All Bird's nest pending Stag pending
  3. ORA delicate stag reduced to $15
  4. It was probably just looking for some sun block, afraid of scale cancer.
  5. How much money have I spent on this hobby in 15 years?

  6. There are bristle worm traps that you can buy from the local stores. They come with bait and are not that expensive. Other than just wanting them gone they are not usually a problem.
  7. Take the rocks out of the tank and scrub them with a tooth brush, rinse the rocks off and the return to the tank. I wouldn't try to clean the rocks in your tank they will just spread.
  8. As long as it has enough food that it doesn't have to work for it shouldn't bother anything else.
  9. Here is a better shot of the Staghorn
  10. 2 more bird's nest pending- Fragen_Unreal 3 still available
  11. I also have some blue Palys 30-40 on a rock $15 SOLD
  12. Delicate Staghorn 2 1/2" $20 (broke off when I was gluing the rest) Pending Yellow polyps 4 - $7, 2 - $5 4 for $7 Pending 2 acros $10 ea Candycane 7 heads 12 mouths $15 Pending Pink Birds nest all about 3" tall $10ea All pending Small Fuzzy mushroom $5 SOLD
  13. Just give it a few days. If they were paired they should find each other.
  14. True and clear will get algae growth so you might want something like spa tubing that is white fairly stiff but some what flexable and you can glue it like PVC
  15. About anything would work from the overflow down. It is not under pressure that direction.
  16. Coraline can be a pain to clean off the glass but it is good for the system. It works as a nutrient export as any other algae does. Yes it uses Ca, but that is out weighed by the benifits. I don't think it needs real strong lighting but does benifit from high Kh. I have it growing faster in my fuge with just a 23w cf daylight bulb from Homedepot than in my tank with 720w of light. You can use a razor to clean off the glass and even scrape some off your rocks to help it spread faster. I have been using 2 part for a long time with good coraline growth. I just set up a Ca reactor so I will see if it improves.
  17. Generally yes, but you can still limit yourself with PC's.
  18. Upgrade your light before you buy a nem. You should get 3-5 watts per gallon
  19. Can I give you my $.46 at pick up?
  20. muddybluewater


    I have mine in a reactor. I have not seen a big change in my corals but algae has slowed down. I have had it running since Thanksgiving.
  21. Since the earth has actually been cooling for the last 15 years and all the global warming data has been proven to be fixed I think they will make it. The earth was much warmer in the middle ages and colder in between. Here is a chart that shows the change in sea levels for thousands of years. Our planet changes and life adapts.
  22. Natural sea water is 1.026, that is where I keep mine.
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