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Everything posted by Mitch

  1. Mitch

    RO/DI Systems

    +1 for buying from BRS as they are a sponsor. i have: 75 GPD RO/DI 5 Stage *PLUS* System $200 ($180 if purchased during a group buy) http://www.bulkreefs...lus-system.html and: 150 GPD Water Saving Upgrade Kit $60 ($54) http://www.bulkreefs...pgrade-kit.html and when i started using it (70+ deg ambient temp, 65+psi water pressure), i was getting 1:1 RODI to waste water ratio.
  2. thanks for the great frags matt!!! good luck w/ your tank move.
  3. i've had my diamond for about a month now... when i first dropped him in, he promptly made himself a cave under a rock near the back, but over the next couple of days, he made several more caves and just happened to settle into the one front and center... one of the caves is now occupied by 2 firefish... i have removed the rock his cave is under on several occasions and he's promptly redug the cave... when lights are on, he's always busily shifting thru the sand... always a hard worker, and does the task i wanted him for
  4. btw, how do i prepay you when we're not sure of the final bill, ie shipping or no shipping, w/ or w/o discount, etc?
  5. finally, i get to participate in one of these vivid group buys!!! Blue Linckia Starfish (Linckia laevigata) Medium: 3" - 4" $ 17.99 i'll update this post if i find more things to add.
  6. is the small leather frag still available?
  7. any idea what this is? possibly a tunicate? we had seen this developing for a little while now, but this morning i found one in the middle of my gsp (now removed). i had not realized it but it's been in my chaeto, but it only had an undefined sponge shape, not tubular like this, but now i have found a similar example. should i remove or let be? thanks in advance!
  8. i had to call BRS late this afternoon about my q's i emailed them on fri, so i'm about to submit our's (you, offroadodge, wayneb, august, & me).
  9. fyi, BRS did respond to my request to add Dan, but his account hadn't been created yet so i decided to pass this time around. for those interested in joining next time, or wanting Preferred status, please create your account with BRS now, so we don't run into these hiccups.
  10. refer to this thread: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/9450-barrels/page__p__59557__fromsearch__1entry59557
  11. sure thing... i'm happy to facilitate
  12. @josh, i'm gonna guess it's too late as BRS never confirmed adding dan... if you want to piggyback, there's a couple of people arranging combined purchases... me (near RCA), mark (183 & lamar), muddy (GT), mooric (GT), august (kyle),... who else? @dan, let whoever you want to piggy back with know what your order is. and in case we have any more later bloomers, i won't be submitting til sun late or mon early...
  13. @dan, sorry i've been away from my computer... they've done it for me in the past, so i sent the request to add you... even if you plan on piggybacking, you will at least get Preferred pricing in the future...
  14. list sent to BRS... now we wait for their email notication letting us know that everyone's account have been updated...
  15. +1 on getting a controller... would suggest one that can read 2 ph probes...
  16. @hyrdro, fyi, if you are looking to buy some calibration fluid and/or ph probe, we're doing a group buy with Bulk Reef Supply...
  17. well, we're up to 12 already... i need the following peeps' info: 2) dapettit 4) offroadodge 6) mooric
  18. looking for some advice... i was gonna order some frag plugs... which do you guys recommend? sand based or ceramic? how useful are the tiles and/or disks? brs also sell these universal frag mounts - any thoughts? http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/black-coral-cradle-universal-frag-mount-10-pack.html
  19. once i submit the list and they update our accounts, the Group Buy window will end MON 1/25 @ 11:59pm. note once the Group Buy is on everyone participating can order at will and typically it will ship that day. and a reminder regarding BRS's Group Buy program, we get discounted pricing (their regular pricing is already good!), but still have to pay shipping. if you live in bfe and/or rather get your stuff directly it's great, but if you want to shave some of the shipping costs down, you will need to piggyback with other folks, eg wayneb on my order (others welcome =).
  20. just in case, each of you need to be already registered with BRS with the email you guys have been sending me. @Rjohn, I recall paying via cc, but I would think there would be an option to use PayPal as well.
  21. oh, i need everyone to pm me the following info: 1) First and last name (please do not include forum nicknames/handles) 2) Email address associated with each participants BulkReefSupply.com's email address please refer to the following re: BRS's group buy instructions: http://www.bulkreefs...p-and-Club-Buys
  22. we got BRS's blessing! we just need 2 more names. fyi, the upside to this is everyone that is included in the list gets Preferred status after the Group Buy. --- email --- Hi Mitch, I don't see why not. Just go ahead and get the list of participants to me as soon as possible. Thanks, Jon Westmark Customer Service Specialist Bulk Reef Supply [email protected]
  23. fyi, i have an email out to BRS asking if we can start a Group Buy now and having it end this coming MON 1/25. i figure it doesn't hurt to ask. we've already got 8 interested (need 10 for Group Buy): 1) vwmike 2) dapettit 3) wayneb 4) offroadodge 5) Rjohn 6) mooric 7) Mitch 8) mcallahan if not, as mark mentioned, some of us have Preferred status, so we'll at least get pretty good pricing (just not the best).
  24. +1 but would like to combine with others to split shipping, and happy to facilitate this.
  25. i would like the spotted goby please. btw, which variation is it?
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