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Everything posted by polarbear

  1. I have some Halimeda macro algae that has done really well in my 14 gallon biocube. It started out as 2 little pieces and has grown and spread into about 20 different pieces. I am open to trades. Thanks for looking.
  2. What type is it? Can you take a picture of it. I'm interested in it. I live in south Austin.
  3. well first, i didnt request any info on a ATO three days ago, i asked if anyone had one. Second, i knew about getting the ATO float off ebay a long time ago. I just wanted to see if anyone had one they are not using that they could trade something for. Im not in a hurry for it at this point since i have not started running the MH lights yet. I have other stuff to pay for like a wedding coming up in Decemeber. i know your not bashing but if I could get it localy and help someone out by trading something I rather do that then order it off ebay and possibily have something shipped that doesnt work. PS. I have driven from south to north austin to pick up stuff that I could have found south or at a LFS. Its sometimes better quality and you get to meet new people.
  4. I dont need the pump, all I need is the float with the wires so that I can make my own ATO. I have everything else. I found a float on ebay for $5.00, but I dont want to pay for the shipping. Help if you can. Thanks.
  5. OK well I have started running carbon and phos guard in my 29 gallon biocube. Its been in there for about 3 weeks. My questions are, how much carbon should I be running in this size tank? I currently have about a tennis ball size in there. Also, do I need to rinse the carbon and phos guard media bags ever so often? I have noticed that they are collecting a lot of nasty stuff on them.
  6. Lets give this another try this month. Here is my green hairy mushroom. Sorry for the large file size. If you want to see it closer up just right click on the photo and open file in a new window.
  7. will mine is a biocube. the top and the lights come off. I have a 150w 14k MH light fixture that sits on top. The band is Current. it has a fan built into it. I will probably have to have some more fans. Is there a was to hook the fans up to the light fixture so them come on when the lights come on? or do i have to plug them up on their own. thanks for all the feed back.
  8. Is you MH light a 150w? How do you deal with the rise in temp? Do you have a picture of your setup? I would like to see it.
  9. Do you run MH lighting on your 29 gallon?
  10. Do you need to run actinic lights? Those of you who have MH lighting, do you run actinic?
  11. I need the float part for a auto top off. I don't have much money so if you have one your not using for free or maybe I can trade something for it.
  12. Thanks again for your input. It helps out a lot. The light will be about 4 to 5 inches off the surface of the water.
  13. thanks for the input. i do wnat to get a top off as well. What do you think about the hood mod for the lighting. I wanted to keep the hood on becuase I like the look but mostly becuase I have a dog that sheads a lot and hair gets into the tank sometimes (just think how bad it would be with no top on it). the water will still evaporat. I would also leave in the stock fans that come with the biocube. My concern is the MH light will melt the plastic hood even though its not touching. Im new to MH lights and am not sure on a lot of things.
  14. do you think the stock fan on a 150 w 14k MH light will do the trick on cooling the tank or should i invest in some more fans. thish is for my 29 gallon biocube. Also I was thinking of cutting a rectangle whole out of the stick hood along with cut outs on each side for the legs of the light to sit on the top. What do you think about this. here is a crapy picture of what I thinking about doing. What I really want to know is if the MH light will melt the surrounding plastic. It would be a good inch or two from the side of the light fixture. tank.bmp
  15. should I still run a heater with the MH light?
  16. Thank you so much for your input. It's helpful
  17. sorry i didnt mean it to sound like i was asking if you did. I needed to know for myself. i might get one.
  18. might sound like a dumb question, but you use fresh RO water for the top off right?
  19. I am going to be putting a 150w 14k MH light on my 29 gallon biocube. I dont want the water to evaporate since I will have to remove the top with the stock lighting in it. I was thinking about getting a piece of glass or acrylic made to fit the top of the tank. I was also thinking about cutting the middle out of the lid of the biocube but didnt know if the heat would melt the remaining plactis part. I would cut enough out from around it but still wasnt sure. Any suggestions on what I should do. I already have enough evaporation as it is becuase of the refugium so I was wanting to do whatever possible to keep this from happening more. Thanks for the help.
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