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Everything posted by ysanford

  1. I would love to get some of the Purple Death Paly's if you have any left, even one! lol
  2. I'm going to order some this time around. Hopefully I'll have good luck with them.
  3. I can maybe do 5:35, may be closer to 6. My husband wants to try and get a motorcycle tonight, so it just depends on how long we take at the dealership.
  4. KaceyJ, can you meet up with my later tonight and I will just give you cash for the two that have paid by paypal? I have already transfered the funds to my bank account. I can also send you a PM with everyones order, as I have been tracking it. Hopefully this time, we can get them to mark the bags.
  5. UPDATE PAID TheSanfords $130.94 GonzoBob $67.97 vwmike $29.93 TOTAL: $228.84 Kasey, I'll get these funds to you tonight.
  6. If everyone wants to send me the funds via PayPal, my email is [email protected]. Sometimes PayPal has charged me the 3% fee and sometimes it hasn't. I think if you say that the payment is for services it doesn't charge. Anyone that knows a little more about paypal and the way they work their fees can chime in. So far, it looks like we are around $200 so not too far from free shipping! If no one else joins in, then I will probably just go ahead and get that extra item to get the free shipping.
  7. They have some nice stuff on their website. I'll have to give them a call tomorrow.
  8. Why not both?!?! Your order could probably get us to free shipping!
  9. NICE! Can you go up there or do you have to have your order shipped?
  10. I would like to pick up a few things off Reef Kingdom. I plan on closing this sale by Tuesday afternoon and pick up will be at my place. My order will total around $100 and if we can get to $225, then it's free shipping. If not, then I think shipping will be around $55. Please let me know if you would like to get in and I'll post my paypal address or you can drop off the funds by Tuesday afternoon. I work by the Arboretum and I live by 183 and Anderson Mill.
  11. We will probably order around $200 worth of coral this time around, maybe more if Mr. Sanford says it's okay! lol
  12. Or the ShamWow guy, "You're gonna love my nuts"
  13. We got a new car today so we'll be able to transport the table. We may be a little late because Kaylon has to work tomorrow. We'll try really hard to be there on time.
  14. Nice Tank Mama! For sure post pics when you get the new ones in. $110 isn't a bad price. I have seen them priced much higher, so as long as they are healthy and pretty, I would be happy to get them from RCA. I am planning on waiting another month or so before I pick them up.
  15. What is the price of the ORA seahorses? I won't be ready to pick them up next week, but it's good that I can order them from RCA - it's my favorite store. Your guys rock! I was thinking that the firefish may be a little too active for the horses, but from the articles I read, they said that firefish would be okay. I'll probably go with my gut feeling and skip these, afterall. Maybe just get the manderin and focus more on the seahorses and really pretty zoos. I plan on feeding them two to three times a day, as I will be starting school soon and will have time to feed in the morning, afternoon and evening. Hopefully it will work out well.
  16. MissT: I am definetly going with captive breed seahorses. I have also read about there being a lot of trouble with wild caught ones. Where can I get the ORA's from? Can I special order them from River City? CManning: I plan on getting three purple firefish, maybe a mandarin goby, and a clean up crew of snails and a couple cleaner shrimp. As for corals, I'll probably just stick with zoanthids, mushrooms, ricordia and maybe some leathers. I have an article at home that has a list of inhabitants that have shown to do well with seahorses. I haven't heard anything about clams though. I would really like to get a couple, as I have seen them in the seahorse tank at Aquatek. Have you heard of this being good or bad?
  17. I don't either of those types, so it would be great to get some of that from you. Thanks! I just want to let it cycle about another week and then I'll start adding things like the algae and maybe a couple of fish. Then I plan on letting all of that get settled and then I'll add the seahorses. Do you think that is a good plan or will the seahorses freak if I put them in a tank with other things in there?
  18. I was reading that caulerpa is a good algea for them to hang on to but that it has the ability to turn sexual and that kind of worries me. Although the articles that I read about this said that as long as you have a sump/refugium with a good skimmer, it shouldn't be a problem. What kind of live rock did you use? Tonga? Nice looking tank by the way, cmanning. Hopefully I can get there one day.
  19. I am hoping that my 40 gallon breeder tank will be enough space for them. Any advice on this size tank?
  20. I have wanted to start a seahorse tank ever since we got into the hobby and I think I am ready to try it out. I've started to do some research on it and I plan on getting it started in about two months. I want to let the tank cycle a good while before I add anything, especially the seahorse(s). A lot of you have said good things about cmannings tank, so I would really like to hear any advice they have. Also, I am wondering if you all would know of a reputable source for purchasing them. I am leaning towards the H. reidi so hopefully someone knows where I can find this species. Thanks in advance for any advice or info.
  21. Are you parting it out? If so, what are you asking for the mag 9.5?
  22. Adding more flow helped us when we had an outbreak.
  23. We'd like a piece. If you're coming to meeting next weekend, can I pick it up from you then?
  24. He is too cute for words. Glad he is doing better!
  25. I'll take the other K4 and the other phosban reactor. PM'd you.
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