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Everything posted by rosslonghorns

  1. Ok, got my test kits in today. Results from first round tests: Tank: Nitrate between 0 and .2, Phosphate 0 RO / DI Water: Both basically zero. Both test kits are brand new Salifert. I also purchased a refractometer as I've always wanted one and tests salinity. To my surprise it was at 1.021 when all my swing arms measure 1.026. I will check the calibration on it tomorrow when I get some free time and re test. Now what? I'm guessing the levels are low due to the fields of GHA I have flourishing and utilizing it all?
  2. From the pictures I could find, I believe I have two of them.
  3. Has anyone tried this product? Anyone know if it is available local? I have been following a thread on reef central related to someone using this to battle GHA. I didn't want to use something like this, but I'm thinking it might be worth a shot to immediately make an impact while I find the source and increase water changes. My kits should be here today and will test a new batch of saltwater and specifically my source water.
  4. That is definitely what I need. The reason I was able to initiate the tank build was convincing my wife we need a RO/DI for our water, so I bought the Buckeye with drinking water attachment kit. Thus this had to go under our kitchen sink. Even though this allowed me to kick off the tank idea with ease, it has also created a headache related to refilling top off container and water changes. I ultimately want to get a stand alone unit so I can hang it in the garage as I already have plumbing visible in order to add a water softener. This gives me the input and drain and also allows me to keep two Brutes right under it to use for water changes / top off refill. It also gets me out of the kitchen, using 5 gallon buckets to transport, and the occasional stretch of 25ft of 1/4 tubing from the kitchen when I get lazy. If only I can convince her to spend more money! Good luck to myself!
  5. caferacermike, How deep was your sand bed just prior to your GHA horror? How deep is it now? I've read a few threads and one of the points I've pulled from them is related to depth of sand bed. It seems those with 3-5" removed sand to leave about 1-2" and had much better luck related to troublesome algae. My tank is still just under six months, so I didn't think it would have an impact yet, but have been thinking about it. Hmmm, water changes!!!!! I guess I should invest in some new equipment related to water changes. They're a massive chore as of now. Time for the Brute Buckets I guess to ease the burden. I sometimes ponder why I enjoy this hobby so much!
  6. I may have to borrow your purple tang!!! Not sure if I can put anymore tangs in my tank and have them play nice. Between the yellow, sailfin, and Powder blue, I think I'm stocked when it comes to tangs. They haven't made a dent in it!
  7. Yep, remember that I had previously dosed Mg to raise the levels to 1600+ ppm in attempt to rid my GHA. The test was done a week after a water change, so the water change is slowly bringing the level down. I dosed more after the test to raise it back up to 1600+. I will give it one more week and will suspend dosing if I don't see any "death" related to the GHA as a result of it.
  8. UPDATE: Did tests on Sunday with what I have and also placed order for Phosphate and Nitrate kits. PH: 8.1-8.2 KH: 9 dKH CA: 430-440 ppm Mg: 1550 ppm I also picked up six Mexican Turbo snails, so hopefully they along with the two sea hares I already have will start putting a dent in it. I hope to get a refugium up and running in the next two weeks, so if it is nitrates, hopefully this will begin to consume that excess nutrients and starve the GHA.
  9. Where did you end up getting it? I had shopped around and found that Laird Plastics had the best pricing. It was just over $100 for a 4x8 sheet of 1/4" acrylic. It was much cheaper than Regal. My project only requires 4x4, so it is costing me around $60 with all the supplies. Should get started on it next weekend and will post pictures once completed.
  10. I purchased Mike's, but I passed this on to my friend who is looking for one.
  11. I purchased the first one: Reef/Residential RODI System No issues thus far.
  12. I'm going to setup an order for nitrate and phosphate kits. The first thing I will check is my source water before and after the RO / DI. Looks like I will need to get to the Dome and purchase some Mexican Turbos to at least put a dent in it as I work on getting the source under control.
  13. One last check before attempting the DIY project. My updated dimensions on what would fit under my stand is: 28 x 12ish x 16 high.
  14. Yes, and I actually looked on reefcleaners to order some Turbos, but he didn't have any. I will have to look around locally this weekend, but ultimately I want to identify and fix the issue causing the nutrient spike that drives the GHA. I did see some literature about raising Mg levels, but I think this was focused at specifically Bryopsis. I have an Mg supplement and did raise them from 1325 to almost 1600. This was about a week ago, but did a water change this weekend, so will have to re-test tomorrow to see where it is at now. I'm just confused. If anyone is interested in stopping by to evaluate my tank and methods, it will be much appreciated. I just want to get this GHA under control so the tank can be enjoyed and not be a nuisance.
  15. Here is a picture of the GHA: http://www.austinreefclub.com/uploads/1173..._78_1079989.jpg
  16. I use a RO / DI filter and have the dual TDS meter, so I check output off the RO and also at the DI. I'm consistently at 0 or 1 ppm. I use Reef Crystals. I perform a water change every two weeks. It is about 15 gallons.
  17. So I have all Fiji rock that I purchased from Wolf Reef in SA. So no holey rock. I have three tangs currently. Livestock is: Yellow Tang, Power Blue Tang, Sailfin Tang, Scooter Blenny, two Lyretail Anthias, and two O. Clowns. I also purchased two Sea Hares and still no dent in the GHA. I'm in the process of planning / adding a refugium in the hopes of getting some macro established to help starve it out. That is probably two weeks to a month away. I'm guessing I will get a nitrate and phosphate kit to determine if the levels have risen. Then dependent on that, get some time of phosban reactor going? I seriously doubt the test kits will read anything as I'm sure the GHA is already consuming it, thus the reason why it seems to be thriving, but what could be driving the nutrients? I feed once a day, but only what the fish eat in a few minutes. I'm just frustrated and lost.
  18. Okay, here is a little background. 180 gallon aquarium, running Euro-Reef CS 8-1 Skimmer. It was setup early November 2008. I have a few test kits: PH, KH, Cal, and Mg but everything is normal. I continue to have green hair algae multiplying. I'm looking for some assistance to identify the culprit and beat it. I'm assuming I need to get a nitrate and phosphate test kit first. What else?
  19. Nice, I'm seriously considering the Vertex Alpha Cone now!
  20. Yep, I've been looking at the new Cone line from Vertex / Royal Exclusiv. Pretty neat and an awesome introductory price, but will hold out a bit as the cone skimmers become established and all the kinks are worked out. Nice skimmer, let's see some skimmate pics!
  21. As already stated, it can be done but does take some patience and effort. You must remove the old silicone completely and clean the surface thoroughly. I used rubbing alcohol. I also suggest using painters tape to lay out your seams, then apply silicone into the corner, and just after finishing the application, remove the tape to leave a perfect seam. It makes a big difference as it looks professionally done with no silicone smeared, etc. Just don't let it setup too long before you remove the tape.
  22. +2 for Buckeye, no issues thus far and always get my questions answered quickly.
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