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Capt. Obvious

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Everything posted by Capt. Obvious

  1. You got it at a steal too Glad you like it...it is pretty awesome
  2. ..depends on the quality of ham....
  3. I have a model cl650 1/4 hp chiller. Works great but i am switching to cooler lights and won't be needing it anymore. $400 obo
  4. still available make me an offer people
  6. I don't need the 4 anemones I have so I'm selling my Green LTA. Green body, purple tips on the tentacles I have 2 available for sale. 1 "baby" - silver dollar sized base - $30 1 "momma' - fist sized base - $45 Pardon the crappy picture and strange angle (it is a cell phone pic....i cannot find my "real" camera)
  7. I cannot find my camera currently, but I'll post some crappy ones here from my cell phone. It is a bright yellow/green flesh-mouth area with golden "tentacles" with pink tips. I have had it over 6 months and it is healthy and happy. It however is being harrassed by some stupid clowns that are trying to host in it (even though there are 4 anemones in the tank) $125obo or maybe a trade (and no more (*&^!* clown fish....i have 6 in the tank already) It is not "fully open" in this picture And yes..that is a picture of 3 (stupid) clownfish attempting to host in it.
  8. Getting rid of some of my setups (tired of running 5 tanks) here we have a 28 gallon bow front tank (standard "issue") with stand. Included are 2 x Koralia 2's A craptastic protein skimmer (seaclone i believe) a 2 x 65 watt power compact fixture with led's 30-40 lbs of liverock (well cured) Heater a live sand bed this system has been running flawlessly for over 2 years but it is time to move on as I have moved all the livestock into another tank $200obo
  9. wrong spectrums, not uv shielded
  10. silly putty would be better (edit: for those that didn't catch it...this was mild sarcasm)
  11. Ok now THAT makes more since. What size bulkheads are on the overflows (and is it dual overflow)?
  12. Am I reading that right???? peppermint shrimp at $20/each??? I am not trying to be an ******* or anything but they sell at any local fish store for $6-$10 each... But I am interested in the tank/sump
  13. 29 gallon bowfront aquarium with stand - $150 2 x Koralia 2's - $20 ea craptastic seaclone 100 protein skimmer - $45 (if modded they are not that bad...but not that good either) 24" Power compact light fixture (2 x 65w with moonlights) - $45 15lbs of blk/white mixed live sandbed - $15 liverock - $3 a pound or the whole **** thing for $275 up and running fully established just did a 10% water change. take it all...even the water...plug n play will condsider trades
  14. I am making you one as promised...
  15. I have a bunch of left over live rock from the 75gallon I tore down some big, some small some with corals (mostly zoas, palys and gsp) fiji and tonga quality stuff $3 a pound until it is gone.
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