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Posts posted by medi

  1. Well my calcium checker finally arrived in the mail today. I was pretty excited to try it out since it is brand new to the market. I ran my first test today and then compared it to my Elos CA test. Both showed the CA as 420; so I suppose it's pretty accurate. I definitely like the checker better over my traditional style kits. Just thought I'd share in case anyone was thinging about ordering one.

  2. Okay.....I apologize I was mistaken about what the first buyer wanted. He actually wants all three of the powerheads. I have a list going and if it falls through I'll PM the next in line.

  3. I have 2 k2s for sale, and one K nano. Approx a year old. I will clean them up and have them ready to go.

    $15/each for the K2

    $10 for the nano

  4. This isn't really helpful answer but there are intestinal parasites that might explain it. I know from having sent a tang off for lab work (took a year and $200) that there are internal parasites that will present the same basic symptoms and are untreatable (and from what I observed in my tanks suggests it might be contagious or at least comunicable). Also bear in mind we basically only know about diseases at the class level or whats common for ALL bony fish which is the same class level for diseases of ALL mammals. We have essentially no information for order, family or genus level diseases for fish. For reference the cats and dogs are separated at the family level or two steps lower on the taxonomic tree and we know quite a bit about their seperate diseases

    Thanks for the info. That's pretty much what I figured. My bigger concern is is it safe to add a new blenny or am I going to have the same problem with a new one.

  5. As the post says....Anyone want to trade their IceCap 440 for my 660? I am worried that I might be overdriving my 4 39W T5s a bit too much, and causing a short bulb lifespan.

  6. I recently lost my lawnmower blenny and my midas blenny within one week of each other. For the past few months both blennies have steadily lost weight and looked more and more emaciated. I observed both of them feeding multiple times throughout the day, but I was never able to get either to gain the weight back that they were losing. I even went so far as to hand feed the midas to make sure it was getting what it needed. Everything else in my tank looks just as fat and happy as always. My question is has anyone ever heard of a parasite or disease that targets the GI tract of just the blenny species? Or does anyone have any thoughts of what might have caused this? I would really like to replace my lawnmower blenny asap, but I'm afraid of any lingering parasites that might cause the same problem over again. Thanks in advance for any advice.

  7. Pretty much the same recommendations by me. Elos, or Salifert, and a meter for PH. I use Elos just because they are available locally. Also, never API. I've found way to many inaccuracies in their kits

  8. My rimless tank is from GC, and the general consensus is correct. Pretty horrible customer service, and sloppy silicone work, but for the price they are tough to beat. My tank was half the price from GC then from anyone else. Feel free to come by and take a look if you want to see an example.

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