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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. errr...Danny is selling some in his tank breakdown thread
  2. Thanks for the pics and I'm going to pass on this one.
  3. One of our ARC members suggested to me about doing a GB for buckets of salt. I check with River City (RCA) and here is the scoop: Red Sea Salt: 20 or more buckets - $42 bucket - thats nearly $15 off a bucket! Coralife salt: 20 or more buckets - $30 bucket Vote on which one you want and we'll see if we have enough interested to meet the break points.
  4. Oh boy...I was thinking it was about time to do one. Let's see who is interested and I'll be happy to head one up!
  5. I'm interested if you can shoot me some pics.
  6. Hey gang, I confirmed the order will be here Thursday. I'll be available all day that day till 6p
  7. I'll be in Houston for the day picking up the Frags and More order so wave the flag for me Dave!
  8. remember Dave...bart gets DOG food, fish get FISH food...
  9. Wayne- They told me the same thing so we are good to go
  10. none yet. I'll ask mid-week as the earliest it would ship would be mid-march
  11. Looks like our order will Ship Tuesday for Wednesday delivery. ***NOTE: if they do not receive your payment by the day the order ships, they'll just drop your order off the shipment so make sure you check your paypal accts and pay your bill!***
  12. don- please scratch my bulb order for now. I'm going to hold off. I'll still be picking up everyone's order on the 27th and I'll probably end up picking something else from you when I'm there!
  13. I love my eheim 1262..water temp dropped 1 full degree when I installed it. Did I mention I have a spare one in my garage...?
  14. wayne- reefs2go will process everyone's payment individually via paypal so watch for a bill from them for your part
  15. I'm not going to push it back and Reef2Go takes a little longer to process their order so expect to see it middle of next week. doktor...check your PM
  16. Is there a day you'd rather have it come in? It's up to us to say. I was quoting what was given as guideline in their group order sheet.
  17. according to their sheet, the order will arrive next Thursday. I'll double check with them to make sure.
  18. I have to fill out the order form so LMK what you want added
  19. I just fed the remaining RBTA and it ate the food so it does have a mouth. The 2 week guarantee still stands.
  20. mcallahan


    is the brain still available?
  21. I found out I'm going to Houston on MArch 27th NOT March 20th just to let everyone know. I'm happy to pickup the order then.
  22. Things have changed and I still have 1 available. The one I have is healthy and I'm not 100% sure it has formed a mouth so I'm offering a 2 week guarantee on it - if you buy it and it dies (b/c it had no mouth) within 2 weeks, I'll give you your money back. The size is a little smaller than a softball, but bigger than a base ball - 4" + across I'd say. $85.
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