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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. ah...I don't have one that big.
  2. how small do you need?
  3. I'm heading up another Bulk Reef Supply Group order and i'm going to set this one up for people to get group status pricing. What does that mean? That means I need a minimum of 10 people to be in on the order and then BRS will setup group order pricing for the people on the list. If you want in on the group buy, please first create an account @ BRS if you don't already have one. Then, please respond in the thread that you want in. Then, PM me your REAL NAME(first and last name- no handles/screen names) and email address associated with your BRS account. Deadline for getting in is Monday, Feb 23rd @ 12p. On Tuesday, Feb 23rd, BRS will switch everyone's account who is on the list to group buy pricing. You'll have until Monday, March 1st to place your order. Everyone's order will ship individually so if you want to save on shipping, find an order buddy!
  4. If Vivid can't get it, I would be interested depending on price and shipping cost
  5. I'll go to tractor supply with you mike!
  6. I'll see if vivid can get us some too
  7. Follow this link --> click here
  8. Rey- Pm me your phone # and I'll talk you through it. Its cake.
  9. I'll setup the group order on Monday everyone...watch for details!
  10. no way. Gotta empty the tank inside my pregnant wife first
  11. $50 livestock credit with purchase of tank? Wow...thats a great way to get someone started. I see a stop @ RCA in my future.
  12. DaJMasta gets the spirit award...he showed up on his bike soaking wet! That's dedication. I'll throw you a frag of green zoas if you want them!
  13. I'll be getting some dosing pumps from BRS and they said today that they'd have them by the end of the month so if everyone can wait till then, I'll head up a BRS order. Or if people want to get going now, they don't have to wait on me.
  14. the box just showed up and I'll be on my call from 2-3 so feel free to drop by after 3. BTW...everything looks good, no DOA's.
  15. nothing. Nada. Those poor drivers will have to work all night if the box that was supposed to get here @ 10:30 still isn't here @ 1...
  16. K Sunday is out...2.14.. I'll dip them and put them in your tank.
  17. I called Fedex and due to the weather they promised they'd have it delivered by 5p, but couldn't tell me when it'd get here. Its on the truck so at least its not stuck somewhere else in the country.
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