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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. Not to hijack, I know the world of KH = 11+, pH =7.6-7.9. Gotta get you on Kalk man, problem solved. And your raising of KH from 10 to 13 shouldn't cause an issue. Let me know if you want a connection to cheap Hamilton's Dave. Or are you going to let off road talk you into 20Ks?
  2. basically the bulbs loose their punch. The spectrum shifts and they don't reach down as far...i.e. not as much light to make food for the corals = not happy corals = reduced polyp extension. subsea always grills me on it b/c I swap all my bulbs (PC and MH) every 6 months so that I don't have to wait till something is wrong before I notice the bulbs need replacing. I equate it to changing your oil in your car..preventative main't
  3. No fish there! What about Chedder's? Don't they have saltwater tank in each store?
  4. Maybe. They are coming USPS from southern california and the USPS didn't work today.
  5. the order will ship Wednesday for Thurs am delivery.
  6. Not sure how horizontal affects things other than I was always taught that pumps like to push not pull. (I don't know why, might be OWT) and you're right...if it won't do it, it just won't spit out water!
  7. it says it has a max head of 3', but give it a try and see what it does!
  8. If you are looking for just the graphs, just use the web interface like Chris said. I don't have aquanotes and I'm not missing it.
  9. perfect! I call dibs! i'll even film it in action so everyone can see.
  10. I may hit some of you up for these traps as well as I want to remove my 6 line too. I've tried the bottle method for another wrasse I once had, but all I caught was my cleaner shrimp!
  11. as long as you want green lobe coral, brown finger coral, or red plating monti, you got it. That's what nearly all the coral was here. Saw some variants, but those were the big ones. The best part of the diving there is the turtles. They are friendly! And the squid I saw at night, those were cool to watch catch fish.
  12. Hawaii is warm, sunny and surrounded by fish and coral. I don't really want to come home other than to get Bart the Fart.
  13. Mama scopes the competition...looks for who to add to "the list"
  14. vwmike made one for his tank and he loves it too.
  15. Cody- I'll take the 200W heater. In hawaii now so want me to paypal you the $$?
  16. I can hold onto them, not a problem. Check your Pm re: paypal amt, I sent it already
  17. Any requests on what day you want it to arrive? Wednesday and Friday are out, that leaves tues or thurs
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