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Everything posted by migs

  1. I thought I would treat my fish and scoly's to some brine shrimp today... With all the pumps off, I threw in the brine shrimp... To my surprise, my Oregon Blue Tort and my Pink Lemonade had grabbed a brine shrimp and then ate it! I never new that SPS corals would be so aggressive... It just wrapped it up and swallowed it... Amazing! Maybe the freaking blue tort will grow now.
  2. Awesome deal! It is a wicked cool chalice... I would jump on it but my frag already has a second eye! Thanks Clint!
  3. migs

    Dying Sponge

    One of my sponges is starting to die... All other sponges look great. I am guessing my pump blew some bubbles at the tip when I changed the filter and now the tip is dying (just a white skeleton).. Should I cut the tip off or leave it?
  4. migs

    old water

    I am doing 15 gallon as well - located south but work north as well... PM if you want me to keep the water and bring up north.
  5. migs

    Maze brain - SOLD

    Nice coral... love your tank!
  6. Wow. When did you get this bad boy?
  7. migs


    Interested in sps but mailbox full.
  8. Interested... How long have you had it?
  9. The three major ones are River City Aquatics (North), Aquatek (North), and Aquadome (South). All of them are good in my opinion. What are of town will you be in?
  10. Doh! Just ordered from them... Great stuff and great service... Will get in on the next group buy.
  11. Still have some Hawkins frags? I will take them.
  12. Picked up a new project... Barely alive scoly... Will be a challenge to bring it back.

    1. KimP


      I have 2 "projects" myself I'm trying to nurse back to health. What are you doing to help yours along?

  13. Awesome find! Not sure if I can male the Fone this weekend but will be there Tuesday.
  14. I target feed most of my lps and chalices... I bought some really high end chalices that I feel I spoon feed like a child! I even made some protective covers so they can eat in peace without fish or inverts bugging them... Can anyone say addiction? )
  15. Do tangs eat this stuff? If so then I am in!
  16. I tried Kingfish when I was looking... They are very hard to get a hold off and return calls - probably very busy. I ended up going with Jake at RCA... He was very helpful and definitely recommend him for custom tanks and set ups.
  17. I am down south and have some purple cap (large), tiny red cap frag, and possibly can even do an Undata.
  18. Interested in the Red Gracilaria... I work at 183 and Oak Knoll... Any way to meet some where in between?
  19. Might be interested as i need to replace my 12 month old lamps... why do you replace your lamps so frequently?
  20. Any particular acan color or pattern?
  21. I am interested in the Tang. Call me at 512-656-8493 at your convenience. Miguel
  22. migs

    My Miami

    So, so tempting... Still love the other chalice I picked up from you. Amazing stuff you have!
  23. I have been doing biocubes, big reef tank, and now pico tank for about 4 or 5 years now... and I never stop to ask if you really need a heater. I was always told I need one so I always purchased one, but we had two heater incidents recently - one was stuck on and killed 5 cichlids in a freshwater tank and the other heater cracked and killed 3 saltwater fish in a biocube.... so i started thinking if you really need one? I looked online at liveaquaria.com, and all the inverts, coral and fish said they required temperatures from 72 deg to 78 deg... I am run a 5 gal pico (cycling right now) without a heater and the temperature is 74 deg over night to 75 in the day as the ambient temperature stays the same... do you really need a heater? maybe in winter? but anything really require a temperature of 79 deg or 80 deg?
  24. migs

    Checking Interest

    PM answered... best pic i have of the corals...
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