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Everything posted by migs

  1. haha... we sound very similar... I did not want to go too big as I always hear people complain about maintenance on very large tanks... plus all the added expenses... BTW, I was eye'ing my 29 g for a seahorse tank too!
  2. I am finally picked up all my equipment... It is interesting how much work is involved with getting all the plumbing and equipment working! Here is the equipment list for my build: - Oceanic 57 Illuminata Tank - Reef Ready - Oceanic Illuminata Tank Lid - Custom Stand from RCA - Dow Blue Foam Board - Current Sundial with Giesemann Bulbs - 20 Long Custom Sump from RCA - Precision Marine Mechanical Filter/Sock - Precision Marine Redline 100 Protein Skimmer - Mag 7 Return Pump - Vortec MP10 - Marco Rock (20 lbs) for Overflow Wall Build and Base Rock (seed with current live rock) - CaribSea Live Fiji Pink (40 lbs) I think that is it... I will post pictures soon! Now, the scary part... plumb everything... 57 gallons is a lot of water on the floor so definitely nervous and taking my time. More updates soon!
  3. I still remember having a freshwater aquarium (really goldfish) growing up and always wanting to jump into saltwater. This jump was always impractical due to cost and time... fast forward and nano reefs/AIOs come into the picture. After decades of not having an aquarium, I jump head first in to a BioCube 29. After all the research, I am meticulous with the cycling and water parameters. Two years later, I have out grown my aquarium (or my addiction is getting stronger and stronger). I still enjoy the easy of maintenance of a nano reef, but want more space. I decided to venture into the Oceanic Illuminata... Hopefully, I will learn from this build and get more room while maintaining a low maintenance and cost (we will see with my latest desire for high end coral evolves)... I am only curious as to how long this one will last and if the addiction is exponential and I will be looking at new aquariums in a years time. T minus 4 days to pick up aquarium and for the build to begin... already receive the dry rock from Marco Rocks... half of the equipment is at RCA (thanks Jake for all the help and patience)... and hitting Lowe's from some supplies... I even took Friday off to begin the process... have mention my addiction? hehe... and so we begin...
  4. Let me know if the Eye of RAH sale falls through... would be interested in being the back up. Thank you.
  5. migs


    +1 on leave him alone... I use to go in there and free him up because I thought he was stuck, but I later found they never get stuck and are usually molting or just parking themselves and were always able to get themselves out.
  6. Same thing happened to me and my clown fish... I finally went to Home Depot and got a piece of plexiglass. I used a drimmel tool to cut it to fit as a well between then main tank and the false chambers. I later found that media baskets makes one so I bought it as part of a kit. I still have my original if you want it... It is for a biocube 29g but you can cut it down... Let me know if you want it.
  7. +1 on bristle worm... I asked the same questions, but after a lot of reading, I decided to just leave them in and remove them if they get too big or become a problem.
  8. is the miami hurricane still available? If so, I am interested.
  9. Right... the triangle overflow would be easier to hide with rock work but it was the performance i was concerned with... thank you.
  10. Anyone try a triangular overflow? Meaning... a straight piece that forms a triangle when in a corner? Would this be more effective than a standard corner overflow?
  11. This was very helpful... thank you. I guess it is down to center or corner...
  12. Also... In addition to peninsula overflow... Thoughts on corner vs center back overflow?
  13. not very familiar with a peninsula overflow... is that the one that takes up all of the wall? I am thinking of just going back to a center overflow on back wall....
  14. I am orderig a custom tank that will primarily be view from the front, but the back will be visible too just not that convienent to sit and watch. I was thinking of an island overflow, but I am a little concerned that fish will hide on the back or space would be wasted since you cannot sit and enjoy. Any experience or opinions on island overflows?
  15. migs

    Custom Aquarium

    I looked at DSA but they were very pricey and heard their customer service was very bad.
  16. I am looking to order a 36"x24"x22" custom aquarium for a new build I am itching to start. I have looked at several tanks as well as custom manufacturers and found that Cadlights and Aquarium Illusions have the best prices. Does anyone have any experience as to the quality or customer service to either one of these manufacturers? Thank you.
  17. Interesting - I was actually wondering about the open tops and jumping fish... I was looking at the cadlights system that have a glass top... unfortunately they are pricey and only go up to 39g. I was also looking at the Deep Sea Aquatics... not truly rimless but they are offering free glass tops: Deep Sea Aquatics
  18. I am looking to upgrade and build a new system and thought I would go for the trendy "rimless" aquarium... does anyone have any experience with Glasscages? I also found this one Oceanic Illuminata/.... any thoughts and experience would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  19. I am still fighting the same thing... I do a lot of spot feeding with mysis shrimp but still not flourishing... but sustaining... would like to hear others experience and success...
  20. Thank you very much... probably right... a little overkill for small system...
  21. I started modeling with Google Sketch Up - the tool is easy to use and powerful... I just viewed a couple of You Tube videos and I was off... I model the room it was going in and now working on aquarium...
  22. I have been working on my 29g Biocube for almost two years and am looking to upgrade. I was looking at the Red Sea Max 250 but for the cost, I feel I can get a better aquarium if I build or put together one on my own. However, the problem is, I am not sure where to start. I am looking for 55g to 65g Reef aquarium with fuge, sump, the works... does anyone have or know of any online blueprints or specs? Thank you.
  23. Did you receive my PM? Are the Acans still available?
  24. migs

    Black Sun Coral

    Looking to sell my Black Sun Coral - medium to large for $50. It is little more maintenance that I would like. Right now, it is eating mysis shrimp but it is a bit of a pain to get them to come out and then accept the shrimp. Anyone interested? It is a little hard to see but it is on the right of the picture:
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