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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. Looks like a well thought out design. Only suggestion I have is to maybe cure the rock with your actual sump light at your friend's house if possible... that way the light stays consistent. I'd use the Ceramico ceramic block anyways over live rock just because it's perfectly flat. I couldn't imagine trying to balance my skimmer on a really flat piece of live rock... I don't care how flat it is, it won't be as flat as that manufactured block and it would bug me that it doesn't sit straight.
  2. Nooo! That explains why my heart skipped a beat last night... I can feel fungia plates dying within a 300 mile radius. Leave those skeletons and maybe you'll get some daughter colony surprises. I'd add some programming to your Apex regarding temperature. I have my MH lights shutoff one by one at varying temperatures so I have a visual indication that it is getting hotter than it should be in my tank and then it will also send me a text letting me know the temperature has gone above a limit I have set. I'd also do the same for a dip in temperature. My heater will kick on and it'll send me a text as well. Stupid finicky SPS!
  3. I have no idea what you're talking about. [emoji30] I'll just call it the dual personality fishroom/dining room. [emoji6]
  4. You haven't put any thought into this, have you? Just rushing in huh? Looking forward to this setup! You should post the picture of your dining table. [emoji12]
  5. I've already put it in your stocking bigsby. It's been in there for two weeks now. I'm sure it's fine though.
  6. Yeah, haven't seen it in forever. Vividaquariums had one but I think it got lost in their tank crash a couple years ago.
  7. Nice! Fungia are so much fun to propagate. Pics or it didn't happen! [emoji16]
  8. I'm not sure either on the propaganda on man made live rock versus harvested. I just wonder with so much seeded diversity and bacteria from other people's tanks that is there much of a need for harvested live rock anymore? I know the cycling will be quicker but is there that much more bacterial diversity from a harvested live rock than one you borrow from a other member's tank to seed your own dry rock? I argue that there may be a better suited bacterial population in the borrowed rock than the harvested rock as its already geared toward aquarium conditions. I have no need or desire to buy harvested live rock anymore, even if I upgrade to 500 gallons. I'll just buy dry rock again and seed with my own live rock. If I didn't have any live rock, I'd just borrow a few rocks from another reefer and allow it to seed the dry rock. I know our hobby does have an impact on natural reef environments. Anything we can do to minimize that is I think beneficial. I'm not saying don't buy wildcaught fish or corals as we all still do that to some degree, but when possible, I try to minimize my impact where possible.
  9. Alright, I'll just leave a box in front of my door and you can discretely drop off your AEFW infested frag Victoly... I mean... any random reefer.
  10. I'm curious to try a new dip out but need a piece of coral with known AEFW to try it out on. It'll be about the same as the Bayer Insecticide experiment I did a couple years ago after seeing it on another forum but this time, with something else!
  11. Those sesame seeds are just retracted polyps. Mine has done that before. How are your parameters? Only thing I can think of is to double check all parameters. If I had a wild guess, I'd say high salinity.
  12. I think that's similar stuff to the stuff ol aggie and I found at the MT supermarket right down Lamar from the Hana Market. Worked for us.
  13. If it is, buy me one too! Time to dust off my old ebay account! Bigsby, just FYI, I put a purple monster acro frag in your stocking but you can't open it until Christmas Eve. Rules are rules!
  14. I'd be surprised by that since Neptune does MAP (minimum advertised pricing) with retailers. If he was selling it that low, they could get in trouble with Neptune. Maybe they meant they had the full version for that price... not the gold package that retails for $800.
  15. How about I guess your pH correctly for an eye of it?
  16. Well if you like big forums and you cannot lie... and the other posters can't deny...
  17. ARC to Manny: You're my favorite Manny... that's why I post everything you say twice.
  18. You've got to make some changes Manny. You have to put her first, always! Let HER be the one to reach out to you... when she's ready, or when her dad (MFrame) convinces her to talk to you again. Maybe then, the healing can start, and you can work on having a good relationship again.
  19. my tapatalk app cannot find ARC period.Maybe it's a sign Manny. Maybe ARC doesn't want to be found. She's trying to be considerate and not make a scene. It's not you Manny, it's ARC... she just needs to work on some things to be a better forum. [emoji33] [emoji23]
  20. Some of the times, I'll post and it'll just sit there and think forever. Then I cancel the post and refresh and it's there. Very odd.
  21. If I can find the article I read a couple of years back, I'll post the link for it. They ran some experiments and found that it was similarly effective in a reactor as it was in a media bag in high flow. The other added benefit is that there is less of a chance of carbon dust being generated with the turbulent environments in most media reactors versus a media bag.
  22. Boo, maintenance cleaning! That just reminds me I'll have to do the same myself. Glad everything is running smoothly in the system right now. For GAC, I've ran it passively in a bag in a high flow environment for the past 4 years and find it still very effective. I typically run it 2 out of the 4 weeks per month.
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