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Everything posted by FarmerTy

  1. That's how I feel about my alk now. It was the one variable that moves for me and now that I have the new CaRX on there with its fancy carbon doser regulator, the alk doesn't move either. I got some pretty boring data plots. [emoji17]
  2. You're safe with just acros. I haven't heard anything about AEFW attacking montis, pocis, stylos, etc. If you do have a colony close to an acro though, I'd at least check for eggs as I've heard about them laying eggs mistakenly by montis.
  3. This is something I keep saying I'm going to do, but always get lazy and never follow through on. I saw a post recently where someone was using an online tank tracking site, but can't recall the url. Any suggestions? Found this via the googles: http://successfulreefkeeping.com/resource/aquarium-monitoring-options/ some of us use aquaticlog.com Apex has a log and graph function for parameters, which is what I use now. Before that, a handy notepad and a pencil took care of it. I still use both, as pretty and useful as those graphs are, I just can't pull myself away from my reliance on my field log book You're a better scientist than me. I ditched the logbook in a heartbeat and never looked back. Maybe it gave me too many flashbacks of a former life. [emoji4]
  4. Wasn't I just asking you if you dipped lately? Sorry for the AEFW troubles but I don't think it's the scourge of acros it once was now that we have Bayer, KCl, and melafix on our side. I'm sure you'll knock them out very quickly. Here's what I've been doing for my triple dip of death. I'm going to test combining all 3 on a couple of test frags to see how it goes... perhaps it can save me some time and water. http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?/topic/35422-Paranoid-dipping? Can you document if you use KCl? I've only heard reports of AEFW jumping off the acros but haven't seen it for myself like I did with Bayer when my 125 had AEFW. I'm interested in some first-hand experience with that one.
  5. Don't forget that the zinc-based paint may be toxic to soft corals... hence why they may not be growing on the container. It's not all win-win with this, though it is interesting to see it has hardly corroded because of the freezing temperatures and low oxygen.
  6. This is something I keep saying I'm going to do, but always get lazy and never follow through on. I saw a post recently where someone was using an online tank tracking site, but can't recall the url. Any suggestions? Found this via the googles: http://successfulreefkeeping.com/resource/aquarium-monitoring-options/ some of us use aquaticlog.com Apex has a log and graph function for parameters, which is what I use now. Before that, a handy notepad and a pencil took care of it.
  7. I use the BRS super glue, cheap and I can usually get through the whole bottle before it starts clogging too much. I use the superglue/2-part epoxy sandwich as well... superglue... epoxy... then superglue and then smash it to the rock and hold for 10-15 seconds.
  8. Tank looks amazing! Now get it wet already!
  9. No comments about this that I've seen on their site. Source?Just some chatter I've seen on the national forums Mike. Nothing concrete or an official statement yet that I've seen.
  10. You should just come to the meeting tomorrow and pick it up. Then you might win a door prize and get some cheap coral/equipment while you're at it with the auctions.If you do go, let me know and I'll bring your growler E. [emoji4]
  11. No idea for shelf life but I would imagine the active ingredients don't degrade very quickly. It is not effective for red and black bugs by my own experience. They'll hold on, clamp down, and survive the dip. Bear in mind, I dose a pretty heavy dose of Bayer too.
  12. Have you tried dipping your acros? Perhaps there is a pest on them? Only reason I ask is that the zoas look to be in great health so maybe the water is fine... Perhaps something is attacking them?
  13. I'm on your street right now James! CreeperTy! [emoji33]
  14. Word on the street is DSA is no more. I haven't seen anything official but we can strike one less option for a tank builder off the list. Boo!
  15. I've been pretty happy with my Ocean Revive LED transition Bpb. We all know T5s are the gold standard for lighting/coloration in SPS but the OR LEDs come in a close 3rd place right behind MHs to me. I've actually have my last OR fixture on order to truly go full LED in my system now. That's how convinced I am. What settings are you running on yours? Ever thought to just run them and remove the BML strip? The jury is still out for me with BML and SPS dominant tanks. My turbo snails and urchins have decimated my turf algae as well. I'm a little saddened by it actually but maybe I just got used to seeing rolling hills of maroon/red turf algae. Sometimes a total restart isn't terrible. If my tank isn't the way I envisioned, I'd restart it too. To be honest, I think your tank looks great but that's just my 2 cents.
  16. FarmerTy


    Welcome to the club!
  17. Thank you sir! I just wanted the space back in my DT!
  18. If it's the tank I saw at RCA, then it looks awesome! If there are a couple of unidentified fingerprints on the left glass pane... it wasn't me. [emoji6]
  19. Ich probably came in with your foxface. Even though he may not be showing symptoms at the time, doesn't mean he didn't have it. At that point, it got into your system. The only way to remove it is the 72 days of running your tank fallow. Juiceman and I subscribe to ich management, it's in the system but just keep everyone well fed and stress free and none will probably ever die from it. They may get relapses of ich from time to time when stress is high or just seasonally but life will go on and as long as they are healthy, they will live. When you see the periodic spots on the fish, it's the ich going through its different life stages.
  20. I got mine with rhinolining already on it. It's pretty awesome! I probably wouldn't have done it myself because I'm cheap but the rhiniloning does its job!
  21. You got me! I just thought the question relevant as it would probably change the stand builder recommendation. My guess is the steel stand would be more expensive unless you go all out on your wood stand. Maybe Dan and Meg will chime in about their builder that built their awesome wood stand. I think Jeremy (offroaddodge) still builds metal stands and I recommended a guy to SChrisEV that built him a steel stand as well. The welder modified my steel stand for me and did great work.
  22. Just pull him out and put him in a cup with tank water. Then start adding some clove oil to the water and the fish will start to go into a trance-like state. It is oil so stirring a bit to help mix it is useful. Keep adding clove oil and eventually it'll stop breathing. Once it stops breathing for 10 minutes, I freeze it just in case though it should be good and dead at that point.
  23. Holy gargantuan bubble algae! You could farm those things and stop world hunger! Funny thing is I found a crab exactly like that in my sump last night too. I'll watch where my fingers go down there from now on! Goodbye Megatank... And mega bubble algae too!
  24. Are you planning on going with a steel stand or a wooden stand?
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