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Everything posted by beefytang

  1. jsr was onto something. Try a virtual machine and load XP onto it. You can get a copy here: Microsoft Virtual PC
  2. The blip is pretty serious stuff. Usually when that occurs, you must do the double clicky thingie on the picture doohickey til somethin happens. Then it should work.
  3. Hehe sorry. I couldn't resist. Your photo was such a perfect example of the GR concept. Looking forward to more pics.
  4. Hehe Jay-roc you said it man. All the war weighs heavy on me sometimes, too. It's unbelievable and senseless. Then I look at fish and coral pictures and it's a little better. But sea kittens...can't get my head around that one. BTW maybe turn your keyboard upside down and bang on it. Might unloosen that caps lock key and could find some decent shake. just an idea. =)
  5. Yes, my glass is very dirty on both sides this week. Tomorrow and sunday are bad for me...are you busy on monday? Def would love to get out and shoot some pics somewhere.
  6. +1 Cool contest BTW. You always have something interesting going on.
  7. Gee thanks. Want some? You're gonna need em for your FOWLR tank. ;-)
  8. I'm assuming these are snail eggs? A huge Nassarius snail was hovering over this stuff. A really interesting feathery pattern. Probably will clean this stuff up. The few Nassarius I have already are total monsters. They're huge and always trying to steal food from the fungias.
  9. Well I'm certainly guilty of my own comments. I wouldn't mind having a better camera, myself. But I think when it comes to photographing aquatic life, it's all too easy to become seduced by the technical power of DSLR and expensive lenses. You know, the super macros that focus on the surface features of things our naked eye can't easily see. It's cool and I'm not disparaging such things. I'm knee deep in learning it too. But composition is also important. The relationship between a given thing and another within a finite space. That's what strikes me about a few of these photos. At times you see a perfect correlation with the golden ratio, in others he's totally "breaking the rules" with different dynamic angles. It's something to think about when taking photos of any subject matter IMO. You can see the golden ratio in effect with this one picture in particular.
  10. These are great photos. I never really thought it took pro training to take a decent picture, or even an expensive camera. You see a lot of people using pricey gear but often they lack imagination or rely on close ups to compensate. Most of these photos have really unusual compositions and angles. You're not doing anything wrong at all.
  11. Depends. Sometimes you can use an xacto knife to slice an area you want then peel it off the rock. Other times you might need to break the rock or try and cut/score the rock with a knife/screwdriver. It's fairly resilient stuff.
  12. Hehe yeah. Jawfish are awesome. I love how that big clown just had a tiny spitfull compared to the jawfish. You should def get one for your new tank. I read an article recently where this guy had used a small pvc pipe as a makeshift tunnel for his jawfish. He just glued a barnacle to the opening. Jawfish loved it. Probably helps keep the little fellas from collapsing rock piles.
  13. LOL I knew I'd get that list out of you eventually. Thanks! ;-D I used to go to Horizon and Deep Blue a lot. Man I miss them. And you're right, that I don't get out enough. I used to go to Starfire's every now and then. But the last time I was there, he turned his back on me for 5 minutes and in that time I had peed on his floor, tossed an alka-seltzer in his tank and was eating out of his dog's food bowl. He gave me one last chance to come over if I behaved but I was feeling bad.
  14. Ah. I didn't know those counted. I can't recall seeing SW fish at the ones I go to. Def no corals.
  15. Some member said there were 12 lfs in the area but I think he was confused or making it up. I think the list here is fairly concise at this time.
  16. Hilarious video of a jawfish and clown spitting sand at each other.
  17. I guess they do some good. They raised my awareness about how bad it to eat animals. But now that I am a cannibal, my social life has taken a turn for the worse.
  18. I believe in ethical treatment of animals but PETA is just so nutty they hurt their own cause. Their nudie girl ads are kind of fun though. =D
  19. Makes sense if you have a large tank. But in my case, I don't have a lot of room in my tank. Plus it's interesting to watch frags grow out. To each their own. There's a market for both scenarios.
  20. Great looking tank. Looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
  21. I didn't know he allowed such things. I've seen his site (I'm on his mailing list too) and loved what I saw. It's very impressive. I guess my hesitation with making appointments is that I don't have a lot of money to spend, or room in my tank if I did. I'd just be wasting his time. Someday I'd like to bump up an extra 10 gallons and at that time, might have to make an appointment, like you mentioned. Thanks.
  22. He's got all the essential ingredients. He knows his reef. Apparently has a 400 gallon tank and a lethal octopus that would cower most mortals. He has people skills and the enthusiasm for organizing. Couldn't think of anyone more suited for the job.
  23. Caferacermike is great. I also think he would make an excellent meeting organizer. He's got my vote.
  24. If you're really serious, please PM or respond in this thread? I'm going to be removing as many as I can find in the next 24 hours and you/he can have them all. Gonna set up a pico to store them for a day or two. I hate the idea of flushing them. Thanks! Cindy: interesting observation. In the past months I haven't had many of them but recently their numbers have grown quite a bit in my tank. As their numbers grew, so did the number of "bleached" spots on my live rock. Hrm!
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