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Everything posted by Dena

  1. Thanks Steve! Who knows, you may end up with an even nicer setup in the future!
  2. I'm sure it's a tough decision. I don't have it YET...he could change his mine, but I hope not. I'll definitely need to try to get some people together to unload it. He said we'll need about 5 men to lift it....don't have a date set yet though.
  3. I'll be getting this tank soon. It's Big Bird's baby and I'm very happy to be giving it a new home. It's a peninsula style, 72x30x30 (280g). It will take me a little while to get this thing going. Hubby said I am only allowed to buy parts for it IF I have the money in hand. Donations are welcome LOL. Dena
  4. Kinda down...looking forward to getting a new tank, but would trade it all to have my Rottie girl back.

    1. Laura


      Hang in there Dena...see you SOON!!!

  5. Dena

    WTT 4" Yellow Tang

    I can take the tang...i'll see what I have at home for frags and get back to you tonight. I probably won't be able to get him until Sunday...going to SA to check out a new tank Sat. He'll temp go in a 30 gallon, but I am upgrading my 120 to a 280 in the next month so he will have a BIG home. I can't put him in the 120 now because my other yellow tang will kill him. If I wait until I have the new tank, add them together, he'll be fine. That's how I added my purple tang. I had to take everything out to get my sand out...when I put the rocks in I though "hmmm...let's try it". I put them both in and within seconds they were swimming right next to each other...the yellow tang hadn't claimed his territory so he could care less. Dena
  6. I just saw the pictures. I've seen those and they are cool. Don't those actually filter feed rather than rumage through the sand?
  7. I would keep it also. I've moved mine between tanks just plopping them in and never lost one.
  8. I've got a 30g I could put him in. Can pick up around 10:30ish tomorrow a.m.
  9. agree...very nice. I would have left it natural though...LOL.
  10. Thanks...let me see which day is best for the people.
  11. I have someone that wants my little corn snake, but they need me to get it to them. I was wondering if anyone was already heading that way and could bring the snake. I'll have a little carrier for it
  12. Dena

    Hawkins echinata

    I'm not going to be able to make it today...will PM you.
  13. Wow, you weren't kidding when you said that was long. NOT FAIR. My big tang would LOVE that much room to swim. Can't wait to check it out tomorrow.
  14. Dena

    Misc Frags

    I'll be home around 7pm...let me know if that works. I'm east of the airport.
  15. Nah, just smack Jason next time you see him, for being too slow! I am SO sorry Dena!!! The scolly went fast through a PM....buyer...let yourself be known!! Can I replace your disappointment with a Terra Burger?
  16. Okay, who bought that Scoly? I almost had Jason buying it for me!!! I showed him at dinner and he got online just now and said "it's sold". He NEVER gets on the forum so I KNOW he was up to something...and someone had to go and buy it. Not fair. Now he'll just have to buy me a more expensive one for my birthday (which isn't until next mth LOL). Nice pieces Mama!!!
  17. Dena

    Hyacinth sps

    Can you just wait about a month and repost this? LOL Nice coloring!!!
  18. Dena

    65W PC Bulbs

    pending pickup
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