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Everything posted by Dena

  1. Great hitchhikers!!! I saw an acro crab on a acro at the Dome the other day...pretty cool.
  2. My super cool fish above is no more. I found him on the tank stand this morning. I was almost in tears and tried floating him JUST in case...no luck. I just set up his new tank last weekend and he was loving it.
  3. Well...guess this thread jinxed me. My angler jumped out of it's tank last night. My favorite fish...just upgraded him to a 20g. I have no idea why he did this. There is an opening around the top about 2" around the whole tank with the light in the middle. I'm going to put egg crate on it this weekend and hope to catch another one the next time I go to the coast. I'm soooo bummed. This fish was beautiful with so much personality. No pictures...he's in a baggy in the trash now. I did hold him by his top fin and put him in the tank...like he was really going to come back to life!
  4. We don't own a regular credit card so if we need to rent a room, buy something online or over the phone...it has to be the debit card. Maybe it's because it's a Visa Debit Card that we were covered. Not a plain Debit? My husband now gets notifications in a text when charges over a certain amount are made. When it's online charges he has it set to any amount. What sucks about this is if I want to go sneak off and buy something...I get a call before I even leave the register saying "what the H*** are you doing at Express?"
  5. I had my debit card number stolen a couple months ago. You think a credit card theft is bad...they charged $1400 and wiped out our checking account. We were broke for a week...bummed money for gas from friends...they got us the money back though. Someone in London used it for their mortgage and a car payment I think. The companies over there were less than helpful. Now I have my 280g tank and I want to buy things and can't either. Why? NO MONEY LOL. So I've got two on ya! LOL.
  6. I was there for work for a week, but there wasn't enough time to check things out. Saw the market right before it opened, but that's about it...slave drivers!!!
  7. I've had a bunch of them...a damsel that lived in the tank for two years, then the eel slithered out the back and the little dog found it. I've lost a couple clowns, a couple sixline's, a lawnmower blenny, but worst of all was the Helfrichi firefish. It jumped when we were on vacation and made it through the egg crate holes.
  8. Oh man...it ate them...that sucks! Evil fish. Last year I got a file fish and an angler and didn't realize they both ate life shrimp. They did a number on my peps I caught LOL. I can never find pipefish (
  9. Did you at least catch some blennies too? Last trip I had a good hole and actually had so many I started tossing them back in. Largest was about 4". I have two dark ones in my main tank still doing great. I also had a tiny one I thought the Angler ate and a couple weekends ago saw him in the the Anglers tank so I scooped him out and put him in the nano. Here are some photos of my Angler...found him in the first clump of sargassum I pulled up. He's tripled in size...I love this fish and just bought him wesryn's 20g AIO.
  10. They better! BTW, the oxides are awesome in person. I have a small frag and they pop under my lights. Gonna try
  11. Bump for a nice set up. I like these tanks a lot...if I didn't have my 30g I'd snag this one. Okay, so it didn't really need a bump, but oh well! LOL
  12. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    Motivation to buy? ROFLMAO I'll trade for a Tunze Wavebox.
  13. Dena

    8 Bulb TEK fixture

    out of curiosity, is this a 48" fixture?
  14. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    Ah see...you can use that money on your LED. I remember my husband telling someone to check the nano reef forums. Apparently they do a lot of group buys and you may be able to get the bulbs cheaper that way. When he built ours they weren't doing one so we paid full price also. BTW...he's still not home from work yet.
  15. No takers on that RBTA yet? Surprised...those really stood out the most to me in your tank. Nice colors...
  16. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    Willing to accept offers.
  17. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    I'll have to ask hubby tonight...I have no idea. I just know I love the color LOL.
  18. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    Here's my RBTA that got mauled by the power head. This after the first mauling, a month later it got it again and had about 6 little nubs. This healed and grew under this light. I don't spot feed very often either.
  19. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    Here is an example of growth I had on my rainbow monti. This was about 3mths. My purple bonsai loves it to. I moved the initial 1" piece which left a little on the rock. In about 6mths I had two mini colonies.
  20. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    Thanks guys. Everyone that has seen this up and running at the house was loving the colors it was putting out.
  21. I was going to say "I'll take the carpet" LOL. That is a nice one!!!
  22. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    There are also two fans on top to help with cooling. We just rested them on top of the heat sink and never got around to doing anything fancy with them.
  23. Dena

    LED Light (DIY)

    Originally built for a Solana, but I sold the Solana and now I need to sell the light. I've attached some photos of when my husband was building it and one of it on the tank. We spent at least $600 on this and would like to get about $300. Frame is aluminum square tubing and has holes for height adjustment. LED's are aluminum apoxy'd to the heat sink which is approx. 8" x 12". Originally the fixture was mounted to the back of the tank stand we built for the Solana Bulbs: There are 12 white 3.7W cree LED's and 12 royal blue 3.7W cree LED's. There are also two white 3.7W cree LED's for the refugium lighting and 1 royal blue 3.7W cree LED for a moonlight. The moonlight, refugium light and main lighting have separate power sources which enable you to customize timing. A piece of plexi glass protects the bulbs from any splashing. There are six buck pucks to drive the LED's. Each has an adjustable potentiometer so that you can adjust the output on the lights. I have had all sorts of corals under this light, clams and RBTA's. It would be great on another small tank like a Solana, Biocube, etc.. Email with any questions.
  24. A Solana. From big big big to itty itty bitty LOL.
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