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Dan H

Meeting Coordinator
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Posts posted by Dan H

  1. If your trying to decide between QTing the fish to prevent disease from ever getting in your main tank then definitely QT. Many times people have a lot of heartbreak or lose fish because they don't QT. If you've got everything you need, then there's absolutely no reason not to QT.

  2. He looks big enough that he may accidentally damage the coral, but I again don't think it's intentionally trying to eat your acro. I probably should have documented our nasty acro-eating crab when it happened. Would have been useful for others to see what that looked like. I actually had to stab him with tweezers to get him out. Lil stinker was running from 1 acro to the next beating up on them.

  3. I don't think he's eating the acro, he's just looking for algae. They aren't exactly smart. We had an acro eating crab and trust me, you'd know if it were eating that coral. The tips would all be mangled up and what not. You can see in the video that the crab is gently trying to scrap algae with his claws, not smash the acro to get tissue.

  4. The only named fish in our tank is our coral beauty - Penelope. The only reason she's named is the previous owner had named her that so it just stuck. All the others are just... Labouti, Mandarin, Anthias, Male Anthia, Saddlebacks, Scotts, Fathead, etc... Frequently it's THE tang or THE mandarin or whatever, but I don't know why we just never bothered to name them.

  5. Depends on the softy. Some are fairly wussy but many are quite aggressive. My scrambled egg Zoas are bumping up against my Chips Acro, and they seem to be at a fairly even battle. Neither appears to be gaining ground. However with my Setosa and some Ricordea Florida, the Ricordea have killed the tissue where the 2 met, but it's unable to get past the front gates. Nothing beats some of the LPS when the send out sweeper tentacles. Those do a lot of damage.

  6. It was asked if adult beverages are going to be consumed... I would say this... Officially ARC is not providing any alcohol.

    However, I may have some that I'm willing to share... But I generally drink beer that all you beer snobs wouldn't even use to water your lawn so if you have a particularly sensitive palate, bring your own.

    Possible topic ideas:

    • Disaster prevention and recovery
    • Photography hands on - Bring your camera and computer
    • Water testing

    I'm leaning towards photography even though I'm not a good photographer... But we could probably buy a bunch of gel filters and give those out.

  7. That's what I'm looking for. Great suggestions. I agree that we need more hands on topics... Also, and perhaps more importantly, I'd like for people that are fairly new in the hobby to suggest ideas. Many of the "veterans" forget what it's like when first starting out, and there are certainly a lot of questions or topics that noobs would really want to know, but aren't necessarily "advanced" topics...

    I thought about having a straight up Q&A only meeting with no specific topic, but I suspect that would be easy to spend a LOT of time going down the wormhole.

    I know Photography was definitely a desired topic, perhaps that is still of interest? That could be hands on... Basically say bring your camera and computer and we'll all try taking pictures of the same things and see how they come out differently. See how filters work, manual settings on SLR's, etc...

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