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Dan H

Meeting Coordinator
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Posts posted by Dan H

  1. That's what I'm looking for. Great suggestions. I agree that we need more hands on topics... Also, and perhaps more importantly, I'd like for people that are fairly new in the hobby to suggest ideas. Many of the "veterans" forget what it's like when first starting out, and there are certainly a lot of questions or topics that noobs would really want to know, but aren't necessarily "advanced" topics...

    I thought about having a straight up Q&A only meeting with no specific topic, but I suspect that would be easy to spend a LOT of time going down the wormhole.

    I know Photography was definitely a desired topic, perhaps that is still of interest? That could be hands on... Basically say bring your camera and computer and we'll all try taking pictures of the same things and see how they come out differently. See how filters work, manual settings on SLR's, etc...

    • Like 1
  2. I think C4 must have injected some adrenaline into ARC because it's certainly been busy the last few days.

    I was trying to think of things that we should do to take advantage of the extra participation lately... Find new meeting topics? Perhaps have an "adult beverage" informal meeting? Attempt a tank tour again?

    If nothing else it's good to be entertained again and have a nice distraction from work during the day.

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  3. Well, I've got the ubiquitous Screaming Green Birdsnest and a few montis hanging around. The pocillopora is also considered a reasonably easy SPS, but some people don't like them because they can reproduce asexually by ejecting polyps. So basically you end up getting baby pocilloporas popping up here and there once in a while.

    We're about to do another massive fragging of the Tyree Undata, but we need some room first!

  4. Yeah, Meg has already denied that request multiple times now. Eh, I'm not sure I'd want to pull a Ty and have like 35 tanks running or whatever. whistle.gif

    Actually it's kinda nice having it be a limited space because it forces us to restrain ourselves. I would imagine if we had some massive frag tanks, it would be ultra time consuming and we would do nothing else all day.

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  5. A possible experiment that would possibly verify if the pH is a CO2 problem would be to run your skimmer's air input hose outside through a window or door or something temporarily... Even just a half day should make a noticeable difference.

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