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Posts posted by Gonzo59

  1. I'll definitely look into getting one that can fit in my setup because the male has a case of ich as well... Hopefully his immune system will beat it sense there are no stress factors for him but I don't think I'll ever get designer fish again, from everything I read a clown should be able to beat ich hands down

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  2. gu5ahe9y.jpg

    Tank is doing great! Lost my female clown do to ich though :( It was an odd circumstance the neon goby would try to clean her and she thought he was battling for territory so she would attack him; the neon got ich due to missing most I it's dorsal fin an the top of its tail fin and passed away. The female clown must have been stressed about territory and passed too... It was sad she was a very beautiful fish.

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  3. I'm surprised no one has jumped on that piece of rock, especially since it's been cured for so long in your system! If a had a system large enough there would be no stopping me from getting a piece that unique!

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  4. I agree with Ty! What ingenuity! You're going to have to teach me how you did that and made the seals perfect, but that's for another time and place.

    Welcome to ARC! Plenty to learn here and plenty of good people to help you along your journey no matter how far along you might be!

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  5. Manny- what kind of hermits do you have? Never had a problem with my dwarf blue legs... Not saying they don't scare me when they are all over my zoas tho!

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  6. I think it's about time to change out the Compact fluorescents in my 14g cube. Right now I am running 2 24w's 1 10,000k and one actinic, I was wondering if I should switch the actinic over to a 50/50? I really like the actinicas a stand alone and run it for an hour every night by itself (which is one of my favorite times to watch the tank). If the benefits of having more full spectrum outweigh my viewing pleasure, I am willing to sacrifice though...

    What are yall's thoughts? I have mostly read that actinic is more for us and doesn't really have any benefits to the coral since full spectrum has every color; I have also read that it is VERY beneficial to corals.

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