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Posts posted by Gonzo59

  1. before tearing the tank apart, i think that UV sterilizers can kill ich. there may be one to borrow around town if you don't want to buy one.

    Hmmm might have to look into that. Sadly my hospital tank is holding LR for my 75 g I'm currently building... So treating the fish is out of the question. I just don't understand how the Randall's prawn goby has been unaffected for so long? Maybe he's more hardy than the clowns but I thought clowns were about as tough as it gets!

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  2. I've had my 14 g AIO running for about 6 months now and have had terrible luck with clowns... My goby/pistol are great and coral is doing fine as well. Every time I put a pair of clowns in there though they get ich!

    They always last a couple months and seem very happy, hosting different spots in the tank and eating well, but the ich is relentless.

    Any suggestions on what could be causing this?

    Also any success stories with freshwater dips or other treatments? I really like this pair and don't want to lose them. Beautiful pair of misbars I got from Mr. Cob and the female is actually nice to the male! (I know that the source is not the problem because each pair has come from a different source)

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  3. Closest I could find was a lady crab... They look similar but are only found on the upper pacific coast. If you could figure out when and where he latched on to you I might have a better chance

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  4. Pretty cool. No idea what it is but I'll check my marine animals of the gulf coast book, to see what I can find. Probably a sand crab of some sort though, where did you stumble upon him?

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  5. Maybe you can do the kicking leg version of that? Haha.

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    I don't want to think about where Bruce Lee's body would have to go...

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  6. I think this is actually a pentagon shaped tank that can be used as a corner tank.

    I know someone was looking for a corner tank recently but I couldn't find the post. Might want to look for it.

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  7. Wow. I'll have to look more into this and also what the city of San Marcos is putting into my tap water.

    It's sad that I don't mind drinking it but once it goes in my tank that's a different story! Lol

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  8. Make sure who ever you get water from treats for Chloramines (or treat yourself). Georgetown water has given a lot of people problems.

    Shouldn't an RODI system already treat for chloramines?

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