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Posts posted by Gonzo59

  1. Haha I kinda like sunny e. I hope sunny d will pull through though, do you have a plan to get nitrate down quickly or are you waiting for the prolifera to do its job? I've been trying to get a dendro myself for a while now, fingers crossed for c4!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. Love a little jazz in the morning! Goes great with some happy sps!

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    Jazz with a little background Reeflo return pump... I forgot to mute out the video sound. doh.gif

    Ol Aggie, I'm starting to not think its chloramines. I ordered a new full kit of chloramine filters and a new mixed bed DI resin tube but I haven't installed it yet. The SPS seem to still be recovering the same so that leads me to believe it is just the increased salinity and possible tank newness. I have also shut off my biopellets so that may be a possible other cause. I am eliminating each variable one by one until I can hone in on exactly what caused it... or at least what was the greatest contributor since it may be a sum of all of the conditions that caused it.

    I'll report back with what I find out for the next person thinking of upgrading an SPS tank. snack.gif

    Haha I was actually gonna bring that up! You aren't following your own guidelines to posting great reef videos... I guess it's acceptable this once

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. I have some softball size pieces of DR left over from what planeden gifted me. Since we're friends I'd be willing to let them both go for $50

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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