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Posts posted by esacjack

  1. this is actually happening to all of my snails simultaneously... they extend their foot, roll over on their back, and poof...dead.... two triton tests, a full panel of tests from my kit, and others.. I started to think leaking/stray current, but have been running current tests regularly... Cant seem to find anything wrong... Oxygen saturation is a good point to check... I'll have to check my scrubber..

  2. I have been adding snails to my new tank over the past month with poor results. Basically after acclamation I add them and they just sit there. Eventually it becomes clear that their dead.The most recent round of nassarius snails are acting oddly in that they are mostly on their backs with their foot extended my melanaurous wrasse and imperator angel pick at them. I have rolled them back over onto their front but when I come back their back on their backs. I'm not sure if they're putting themselves on their backs or if the fish are doing it to them.

    Are they dead or just playing possum?

    Im going through something eerily similar. My last three or four attempts to restock my cleanup crew, have resulted in mass casualties. I acclimate them, then set them in the tank. Generally within minutes they're dead. All of them. They extend out, and roll over on their back. I've done about 50 gallons in water changes, with zero change. I checked for stray current, etc, nothing. What mag supplement were you using? Was it by chance Tech-M?

  3. Your question leads to a much debated topic over how to properly identify paly's or zoa's as the type of polyp. Some argue sediment uptake in the mat (coenenchyme) is a way to distinguish palythoa from zoanthid. However, truly, you will find 'zoanthids' with sand grown into their mat. So this is not a proper way of identifying/distinguishing them. Truth be told, there are 1000's of types of zoantharia and many more sub species. That being said, the polyp shown above is similar to a fairy dust paly, but the amount of blue in the image makes it hard to tell.

  4. I ended up ordering the Tunze Nano osmolator, I have yet to order lights. Not a big deal because I'm still in my cycle. It's strange, I kinda don't want to order the Current Orbit LED's but I dont see much option. I love the look of other lights such as the maxspect nano but the Current is the only one that sits directly on top of the tank where no light leaks out. I don't know about everybody but I'm not a fan of light leaking over the tank and I'm really not a fan of most hanging or mounting kits. I would love by some wizardry that the exact light I want would come out in the next week but I don't think it will happen and I will end up with the Orbits. I'm not gonna be sad about it I think they are pretty good little lights I just want the color and shimmer of some of the other fixtures.

    I have numerous nano tunze's. You dont need to use a spacer, the problem is most people assemble the float incorrectly. In their defense, tunze does a terrible job at conveying how it should be setup. When you snap in the housing to the magnet, set it in the water till it floats to the top. Look at the float from the side, if the top of the float is leaning backwards against the magnet, this is fine. However, if the float is tipping forward, this is when the issue arises. Simply remove the float guard and flip it upside down. Also, make it a point to clean the float shaft occasionally, as tube worms, colonistas, etc, love to climb all over it, causing it to jam or become less responsive. They are also quite sensitive to wave makers and turbulent water.

  5. Have you been feeding it? The heads on the side will eventually grow out, but you can expedite this process by feeding mysid or lps pellets to the babies. Feed the mother polyp first, then as it retracts, feed the babies. Increase your feedings of the smaller polyps and they will grow out faster. You'll still run into the roadblock of skeletal structure. If you place the blasto on some rock, the polyps will begin to spread to the rock and will grow faster. Without this step though, they will be at the mercy of their skeletal development.

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  6. austinreefclub.com ;)

    zoaid isnt bad, but generally speaking they have a lot of misnamed/aliased versions of palys/zoas (some dont know the difference between zoas and palys) To be honest, ebay, zoanthids.com, and google image search are my goto resources.

  7. looks more like a hydroid. Slather superglue on the offending hitch-hiker... Otherwise you'll be dealing with a serious problem. All tanks experience hydroids at some point, either in a minor infestation, or major infestation. Cut back your light and feeding cycle, rub superglue on the snail shell (it'll look ugly, but wont kill the snail). If its not a hydroid, if it is ACTUALLY aiptasia, then you do -not- want to use a peppermint shrimp. It -will- spread, requiring you to keep a peppermint shrimp at all times. My advice is to use superglue to entomb it. You should only resort to a peppermint shrimp if the infestation spreads. Pepp's keep it under control, they do -not- solve the problem. Your only course of action is to act now, before it becomes a larger issue.

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