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Posts posted by gibs

  1. Hey guys not sure if you knew this or not...but it's christmas! Or my BRS order just came in :D


    100g Octopus Skimmer

    Eheim 320gph return pump

    RO/DI unit with a ton of extra tubing and adapters and fittings

    Air filter for octopus skimmer

    Soda Lime for air filter

    Dual line TDS meter for RO/DI unit.

    Man I am probably going to see my GF this weekend in SA....but I am almost there!!!!!!

  2. Part 3.

    First I apologize for not taking enough pictures in this part. I thought I took more but evidently not. I do think I got most of it though!


    Ok first off I didn’t want to mount all the drivers for my LED’s separately on the back, side or underneath stand. I wanted something to hold them all together and I also wanted to be able to unplug all the drivers and fixture from each other. So I spent a hour wandering around Home Depot looking at project boxes and junction boxes but nothing seemed to fit my needs. If it was big enough to hold all of my drivers, then it was like 10” deep which is way over kill. So I ended up buying a plastic shallow, rectangle box with lid, plus it was 5$. I may end up painting this black but for now it’s fine with me. I mounted all 3 drivers in the box to the left side so I have room for one more driver later if needed. I drilled 1/4" holes below each driver for the AC out, or power cord to exit the box. I had a bunch of molex connectors laying around from fixing power supplies and such so I used them to disconnect the LED leads from the drivers. I used one 4 pin for both the blues using all 4 pins. And used another 4 pin just using 2 pins for my whites. I made a notch in the upper right hand side so my cables can just slide right out when I take the lid off and put a 2 piece 1/2” strain relief in to hold the cables when lid was on. Molex connectors and pins are cheap and can be found at radio shack, frys, or altex. And very easy to put on.


    Ok I here you can see I finished attaching all the molex connectors and plugged them into each other. I also ran a Cat5 patch cord in through the strain relief and stripped it back. Ok I have a Neptune Apex so I am going to go over how to hook that up. If you don’t have one and just got a dimmer knob/switch you would just run cables from those to the blue and white dimmer cables on your drivers. I have no experience with any other controllers so I can’t speak to those.

    Ok the apex controls dimming through 2 RJ45 ports and each one can control 2 different dimmers. Port one controls V1 and V2, Port 2 is V3 and V4. You can also control multiple dimmer drivers with one dimmer (i.e. I have 2 blue drivers so I am using V2 to control both and V1 will control my whites). Apex sells cables for these but honestly it’s easier to just grab a 10’ cat5 patch cable, or if your like me grab one of the hundred in your closet. So now we just have to figure out what pins the Apex uses. Ok Cat5 cables in 2 different pin outs (I won’t go into why here but it’s basically just the oranges and green swapped, if your really curious about PM me.) so we have to figure out which you have. Looking at the copper pins on your cable with the tab down, then look at the first color on your far left that is pin one. If it’s White with orange or orange is the second pin, it is T568B, this is 99% of the cables you will buy as a consumer. If it’s white with green or the second pin is green, then it is T568A. The only reason we need to know this is because we need to know the pin outs so we know what controls what. Below is a simple diagram of what colors are on what pin and what pins the apex uses. So if you look at the pic above I have Orange with white on the + of both the blue dimmers and soldered together, and orange on the white of both dimmers. Blue white is on the blue of my white dimmer and green is on the white. FYI if I haven’t mentioned it yet, on the meanwell drivers the dimmer cables are blue and white and Blue is + and white is - . Once I soldered these together of course I realized my patch cable wasn’t removable so I had to fix this later.

    T568B pinout (if you have A just swamp the orange and greens)

    Apex Meanwell driver

    Pin 1 White Orange V2 + Blue + (both blue drivers)

    Pin 2 Orange V2 - White - (both blue drivers)

    Pin 3 White Green Not used

    Pin 4 Blue Not used

    Pin 5 White Blue V1 + Blue + (white driver)

    Pin 6 Green V1 - White –

    Pin 7 White Brown Not used

    Pin 8 Brown Not used


    Ok now for the power cables to the drivers. I just took some old computer power cables I had laying around and cut the end off, where it plugs in to the computer power supply. I then took off about 2-3 inches of sheathing to reveal the 3 wires. Mine were all black +, white -, and green ground. Some are a different color pattern that the meanwells use, which is brown -, blue +, green with a yellow stripe ground. Cut the greens off we are not using them, though if you are using a metal box to house your drivers in you could run one and use a screw to mount to the box. That way if there is ever a power short to your box it will ground out and trip the breaker, just a thought. Ok I took my 3/8” heat shrink and put it over the entire cable. Used 1/4” heatshrink on all the black and whites. I then stripped about a 1/4 – 1/2" of cable off all 12 ends and twisted them together black to blue and white to brown. Soldered the ends and then slid heatshrink up to cover and shrink, then bigger heatshrink to cover entire cable about 1/2" from cut to cut. I tried to get all 3 stages in picture. Far right both cables are soldered together, middle both cables have heatshrink covering the joints, far left the bigger heatshrink goes over the entire cable.


    Ok here you see I cut off my earlier screw up with my cat5 cable put some heat shrink around each one and then put a jack on it. If you use a jack just follow your appropriate color code for 568A or B. I then put a new RJ45 back on my network cable and plugged it in. Every thing is finished and ready for lid to go on. Before you do this you need to adjust the dimmers on your drivers. This took a fair amount of doing with just me, so I didn’t get any good pics, however here is the link for doing so I got off Rapid LED and the second link is to Rapid LEDs maximum/recommended amperages for their LEDS.



    I set my royal blues at 800ma and my warm whites at 1000ma


    Ok here is the entire setup ready to go on the tank with my splash shield in place!


    Here it is my LED project for my 16g nano tank! Ok kidding this is for my 85 tall. For some reason the camera pic is really purple? But it looks bright white with the naked eye? Of course I haven’t set up the apex yet so that is everything 100%....Next and last part is the fans and attach to my canopy. I am going to add some more pics in minute to show some pics I took with the lights on my nano…man I got some color going on now :P

  3. I'm not so sure about that you guy's! I've known him to do some pretty STUPID, STUPID stuff over the years, like when my tank stated to leak a couple of months ago all he did was thumptack a string to the stand so the water would run into a bucket he empties out every so often, says he's going to build a new tank someday.

    LOL I haven't done this but man it sounds like something I would do!

  4. Well documented. Nice job


    Nice attention to detail! Great looking build. Curious about the coloration you have listed on your diagram. Are you planning on phasing in all those colors, or are a single LED satisfying those color requirements?

    Thanks I appreciate it! I am still undecided on what I am doing I have to so many views on colors for this that it is unreal. I know that my current setup with just the RB's and Whites will fulfill survivable light for everything. I am going to play with adding some UV's and maybe some reds and greens to see how it affects the tank and looks.

    Awesome buildpunk.gif


    Thanks Bimmerz!

  5. Part 2 soldering the LEDS

    Ok so I waited a few hours for the adhesive to adhere and then finished cleaning everything off that I wanted to clean off. Also I took one of my daughters white crayons and went and marked each one of my whites just so I knew 100% what was what. Obviously if you have more than blue and whites you will need to use some different colors and mark them but this will help keep you on track on what is what and don't have to keep looking at your diagram. Also Rapid Led sends a tester with each order to test your leds. You need to test them when you first get them before you do anything else, and once you have them attached go ahead and test again before giving yourself a headache troubleshooting later, and find out one isn't working.

    So here are my tools for this part.



    7/16 drill bit


    Soldering iron (I use a weller SP23t great iron used them for years)

    Solder (I like to use the resin core so I don't have to mess with flux)


    Snips or some sort of wire cutting tool

    Wire Strippers (the klein auto strippers from Home Depot are 25$ and well worth for a project like this. But you can also just use your dikes or snips works just as well just more of pain)

    Various lengths and sizes of heatshrink

    Heat gun


    Ok my first step was I wanted all my wires for the drivers to come up the middle so no wires came out the edges. I found the center on the fin side and found a appropriate size bit that would go between them, which was 7/16. Drilled a hole all the way through


    Then I used my unibit to bevel the edges of the hole coming in a bit just so I didn't have any ragged edges scraping on my wires.


    Not in my list of tools is a helping hand which is basically just a weighted stand with alligator clips on it. Very nice for a project like this it will hold your wire for you while you solder. Someone is bound to bring up tinning instead of using this. Tinning is where you apply a little bit of solder to your wire first and then a little bit to your LED. Once both ends are tinned you put them together and just heat them up, and since you have solder on both sides they melt together. Simple right! There is nothing wrong with this. However I have had issues before soldering DB9 connectors for work and tinning has resulted in some bad joints for me. This is most likely due to the fact that when I am out in the field I don't carry flux. If you are using resin core solder that is your flux but once you heat it up it's gone. So if you use tinning get a small jar of flux and dip the wire in it before you solder your joint. This takes a little bit more time for me so I just do it my way, but I have had a lot of experience soldering so someone just learning to solder may find tinning easier to work with.


    Here are all my whites soldered together. If your wanting to know why I left some loops and extra slack, its simply I have taken apart to much stuff and found a broken solder joint somewhere and not had enough wire to attach it back...So I always leave just a little bit of slack in my wires. If it bothers you then just make it tight as you want isn't going to affect anything. If you have never soldered before it is the simplest part of this build really, no reason to be afraid of it. Just turn on your gun (some guns may take up to 15-20 minutes to fully warm up so give it time. Touch gun to your solder area trying to touch both your wire and surface soldering to. Touch solder to wire not gun. You will know it's working when it starts spreading or pooling. Soon as that is done take gun off. The whole process takes one second especially with practice it takes no time to heat up the wire or the led in this project. If you have to 5-10 seconds for the solder to start pooling then your gun is to weak or you have a high heat solder (you can tell if it's a high heat solder cause the jacket on the wiring will start melting). Also if you want to do something like this but scared of the soldering, just buy a led or 2 off rapid led and get a gun and solder from radio shack, 20$ max and you can practice soldering the tester they send to the led and then put some batteries in the tester and see if it works! It's kind of a fun thing the cree whites almost blinded me the first one I tested LOL. I was all hunched over thinking the 1.5v batteries wouldn't make it light up very much....I was wrong LOL


    Ok so I have 3 drivers so I need 3 sets of leads I had all of my red and black so I cut them in half and made 2 sets of red and black for my blues. I used the blue and white wire for my leds but I still had 5' of it so I made a third lead with that. Take each set of leads and put a roll of tape around each about 2 inches from the end. Then I taped all six wires together and shoved the all of them down a piece of 3/8" tube of heatshrink 4' long. I left about 4 inches sticking out and then stuck that through my hole in the middle.


    Here is the whole shebang soldered together.


    Here is the look from the top.


    I will do the driver section last but I couldn't wait so I hooked the driver up to my whites temporarily and used the led tester to to my dimmers on the driver.


    LOL my camera didn't like all the lighting this is with the same lighting on that I took all the other pictures with and it dimmed them all out and you can only see the crees LOL

    Ok last part coming in the next day or so I am going to pick up some molex connectors and other stuff so I can easily disconnect all the cables from my drivers. I also need a little more wire.

  6. First of all thanks Mike. Second I am interested in seeing in how yours turns out with the thermal tape. I didn't go that route just from my experience working with pcs over the years the usual thermal pads and tape have a very bad rap for not doing half as well and failing and even larger amount of the time. (xbox 360 ring of death anyone LOL). Usually I get pcs that are overheating and find out the manufacturer is using thermal pads or one has fallen off the north bridge/south bridge/ or one of the many other chipsets. Not saying they won't work for LED's comparitively they put out very little heat and the reason we use big heatsinks, is the sheer number of them we are putting in one spot. Anyway that's is my .02 hope it works for you though cause it will make my next project a ton cleaner and easier :P

  7. Part 1 Gluing the Leds down.

    Hey guys got my parts from rapid led yesterday so I sat down today to start it. I haven't seen any pic heavy step by step how to do this so I thought I would make an attempt at it. First time doing something like this so be easy on me.

    First off here is a parts list from rapid led

    24 Royal blue XP-E

    12 Warm White XP-G

    1 6"x20" Black anodized heatsink with cover.

    1 Led tester

    3 Meanwell ELN-60-48D

    10' each of Black, blue, white, red 20gauge wire

    Arctic thermal adhesive with spreader (arctic thermal is a awesome product and if rapid led didn't have it I would have ordered some from newegg. Been using there thermal paste compound for years and its the best out there)

    Other tools

    Black Sharpie

    Tape measure

    91% isopropyl alcohol

    Paper towels

    Q tips (if you can go by fry's or altex and get some tek ones for cleaning electronics you will be much happier I used some cheap ones I had in the bathroom and they came apart like mad)

    Latex gloves ( not a absolute 100% need but when you get some adhesive on your hands its much easier to toss a glove then spend 5 minutes trying to get it off your hands. Also the oils on your hands will interfere with the bonding process and the thermal conductivity.)

    First step is you want to lay out your LED plan and where everything is going to go. This is what mine looked like.


    Now I am still not decided 100% about the reds and greens but I had the room and I am definitely going to add some ultraviolets at some point. However this is the base I need to make sure everything I want to keep will survive so I wanted to do that and then test and see where my PAR is with just this.

    Step 2. CLean entire heatsink with alcohol, and lay out your design on your heatsink. I went 1.5" squares on mine this should give me plenty of breathing room between each LED (minimum from my research is LED's can be no closer than 1/2" I have close to 3/4" between each of mine and I Like the look of it. I used a sharpie to draw everything out, due to the fact that its hard to rub off while you are working, but cleans up rather easily and quickly with alcohol. Here are a few pics of mine.



    Step 3. Doing one color at a time you want to clean off the back of the LED's (about 6 at a time is a good number to aim for, after that the glues starts setting up and you have to mix new). It's easier to clean them while they are stuck together but once you clean them break them off. If you don't and try to break them off one by one as you got the glue mixed, it will take more time and you will inevitably get glue on some of the LEDs.


    Easier to clean all together.


    Then lay them out upside down so it's easy to pick up. Don't forget if you wrote on the heatsink with sharpie you have to clean it off before applying the adhesive on top of it. I did this with alcohol and my Qtips.

    Step 4. Mix some of the glue together, its a 1:1 ratio and I used a drop about the size of a .22 pellet out of each tube. This was just enough for 6 LED's and was starting to setup by the time I got to the last one. You know it is time to mix new when it starts getting hard to spread on the back of the LED. You need very little on the LED all you want is basically to turn it white. There should be no big clumps and it should be very then like you can see through it. The adhesive doesn't need much to bond and the thermal conductivity works best when it is only filling in tiny imperfections in the metal so don't over do it. Also don't get tied up in trying to cover the whole thing 100% even as little as I was using it was coming out the sides a little, so it will get coverage don't worry!



    This was the first 12 of all of my whites. I had to mix the glue 3 times for the first twelve I only got 3 down the first set and 4 the next, before the glue became to tacky to spread. Set the LED down lightly and position as you need first. Once it's in position apply firm pressure to it. I found that when the glue was first put down it was so wet that the LED would slide around, so as I got better at it I would do 6 at a time, set them down lightly then do the rest. Once I got done with them I would go back and push them down gently but firmly (it doesn't take much pressure really so take it easy). Then clean off the spreader for the glue and take Qtips and go back with alcohol and get any glue off the top of the LED's that got on them.

    Take breaks in between I was doing 12 or so then took off the gloves and took a break. It will make a messier job if you try to stay in one hunched over position for a hour, then if you took a few breaks in between. Don't forget to use new gloves when you get back!


    Here is all 36 glued down and cleaned up. Still have some sharpie to get cleaned up, but the glue needs a few hours to cure so I will clean it before I start the next part of soldering everything together.

    Soon as I can I will put up a second part of soldering the LED's

    • Like 1
  8. Hey guys I assembled my sump the day before and water tested it today I only have 2 small leaks and they are both in the baffles one for the refugium and one in the first bubble trap. Both are minor and both I think were cause by me trying to sand the edges down and I have a small bow on the side where it meets the sump. Only a tiny bit is leaking through and the tops and bottom are perfectly fine. What is a good way to fix this or can it be? I already tried just using a bit more glue but the gap is just big enough where the sides don't meet. I thought about trying to clamp it but worried about causing more stress or something on the acrylic? I hear that weld on #16 is thicker and can be used to fill minor imperfections, I am using #4 right now..what do you think? Its almost a small enough amount that I am even thinking of leaving it alone once the water is both sides I am not going to get a whole lot through there since the pressure should be equalized and most will just go over the baffles as it should? Any thoughts suggesions?

  9. Put water in it this morning all the way up to top and left to run errands. Just got back been full for about 6 hours and no leaks...punk.gif . LOL this has been quite fun and can't express how satisfied I am even though it has a ton of little flaws, such as when I put in the baffles I took all the paper out of the bottom and now have a ton of drip spots from the weld on. Some of the edges aren't 100% true and all that. But it works! Going to leave it up till tomorrow just ordered my skimmer/pump and ro/di. Going to start plumbing the whole tank in the next couple of days and my leds came in so got to put that together. Hoping to be freshwater testing by the end of this weekend if not before!


  10. Ok I could not stand it...I put the baffles in and did a small teeny tiny water test for about 30 minutes....I only put about 3 inches of water in it but it didn't leak a drop. And all the bubbles I was so freaked out about..90% of them went away. I don't know if I am lucky or if thats normal but man when it held water and didn't leak I wanted to run outside and dance in the street!



    I did make a small error in not taking the hinges into account I thought leaving myself a inch door to door was fine...I lack about 1/4 of a inch of just being able to slide it in perfectly. As it is I have to put in at a angle. I am still happy as a clam though!

  11. . . . I am not going to get all of my "dream fish" . . .

    Sounds like you already have another tank in the plans! laugh.png

    . . . Still on the fence about the eel while there is a lot of people that keep snowflakes and zebras in smaller aquariums I think 2' is a bit much for my 85 . . . I have read that the lionfish will almost always eventually snatch the hermits or any crustaceons up?

    If you end up trying an eel get one that won't outgrow you tank, odds are you will have to tear your tank apart to catch one that outgrows your tank.

    I've had a few lionfish and have not had a problem going after hermits or Coral Banded Shrimp I do not see them stalking like I see them track a prey item (try a bag full of ghost shrimp). Invariably when a group of hermits are put in a tank they will pick themselves off one by one. Since I've seen this happen irregardless of the fish species I would not think lionfish are the culprite when this happens.

    Urchins are cool and excellent algae eaters. Read Martin Moe's research for NOAA. http://www.instantoc...me 20_2003.ashx (scroll down about 2/3rds of the age).

    LOL you read my mind! If I ever get a place big enough I am already thinking of keeping my 85g as my reef tank then having another tank a little larger that will be FOWLR that I can keep all those fish that I really like but eat corals and such :D. You are not the only one who has said that about lionfish especially dwarf lions so I am really considering just getting some and seeing what happens! Thanks again for the advice!

  12. +1 to what Kim said I bought a awesome 85g tank for 400$ on craigslist and it was on here also I just didn't see the ad. If you got any questions feel free to PM me I am pretty much a noob myself so I may have to refer you back here but sometimes its easier to ask someone who is fairly new to the hobby...there are no dumb questions :)


  13. You still got some subsea? I was going to wait a while before getting some for my big tank but my small ball of chaeto took a unexpected trip through the pump! Good news is I can say with 100% certainty that I can fully disassemble my pump and put it back together again and it works!

  14. Saltwater tank for dummies was really good for me and its in ebook format if you like that (I did). The concientious aquarist by Robert Fenner is also very good. I haven't seen anything on nano tanks specifically but it's all the same the nano just takes more work and thinking. I have had my 16g up for 3 months now and if I had it to do over again I would seriously consider finding a 30-40g cube on craigslist or here on the cheap. Everyone agrees 40g is the sweet spot and just makes life easier. I have successfully kept mine and all my corals look great but I keep having issues with fish that should be fine in that size. Either way good luck and if you got any questions just ask this site has been great for me :)

    • Like 3
  15. Nice build thread! Regarding questions in your first post, Scott Micheal's book "500 Hundred Essential To Know Aqurium Species" lists a 30 gallon as minimum size for an adult Zebra or Fuzzy lionfish (20 for the smaller Fu Manchu). I would add the clownfish first and make sure they are doing well before adding the lionfish. (I've seen very large P. volitans swimming around with damsels they can easily eat but as the damsels were established first the lions assumed they belong there [this doesn't always work though]). You are trying a combination of animals that is a bit more of a challange to keep and will require closer attention to water quality. Your lionfish and moray will want lots of meaty foods compared to angels and tangs and this will contribute to a fster build up of waste products in the water. Arguably using organic seafood that has not been preserved with triphosphates or polyphosphates will save you in time more than what the additional labor cost in doing increased maintenance you will need to deal with the phospates in most seafoods from the stores.

    You need to be careful getting large starfish as some like the Chocolate Chip will eat mushrooms. Cucumbers and small snails (I don't like snails personally) and hermits should be safe. As far as LEDs you want to build something that will give you 70 - 100 PAR at the bottom if you want to grow the various 'shrooms and zoas, there's no magic number as there are so many variables. I like hoods/canopies since the block the glare from the lights but it's a subjective issue.

    Thanks for the advice Tim! Yeah I am pretty sure I am not going to get all of my "dream fish" I have been whittling it down more and more with research. The Fuzzy dwarf is a must, and I love the look of White Tail Bristletooth Tang which should be a good match. Still on the fence about the eel while there is a lot of people that keep snowflakes and zebras in smaller aquariums I think 2' is a bit much for my 85, maybe if it was a long but either way still considering it but it will probably be the last thing. I will probably try to get to black ocellaris first, I really like these guys and this will be my one concession to my daughters who want nemo in the tank LOL. I have read that the lionfish will almost always eventually snatch the hermits or any crustaceons up? I am not a big fan of snails either but they seem to be the safest that the lion or if I get a eel they won't munch on them. The starfish yeah I have read of the chocolate chip and a few others that will eat softies so still looking at them but this is another one that I am on the fence about. Now I have been looking at urchins and I think they are very cool and one or 2 of them in the tank would be nice :)

    As far as the lighting goes I am building my own LED unit. I have a 20" heatsink that should hold 48 leds. Right now I have on order 12 cree warm whites and 24 cree royal blues. This will give me an additional twelve I can play with to try some ultra violets, reds, greens or maybe some neutral or cool whites. Canopy?? I like the look of the tank with it off but I like the idea of everything being covered and less chance of big splashes landing on the floor for whatever reason. Annnddd since I had my goby in my 16g last night jump out of it through a 3/4" hole in the lid for my finger I really don't want to see anything else on the floor. It's all a work in progress and I plan on the stocking to take at minimum a year....I have already learned nothing good happens in a tank fast :)

  16. Well got my sump put together....anxiously waiting till tomorrow to water test it before I put the baffles in. First time I have worked with acrylic and really worried I got some bubbles in some of my seams...the first one has a lot of bubbles! Oh well I hope I didn't just waste a 140$ worth of acrylic lol.


  17. Also, I dont think that pump will be strong enough. I use a mag 7 on my 29g and it's not as strong as you think. There is a lot lost on that journey from the floor to the tank. I imagine you will need at least 700gph.

    Thanks bige I have been wondering if that was big enough but I definitely do not want to create flow with my return I just want to be able to turn the tank over 4 to 5 times a hour. I will be adding some vortech mp40's or something similar to create flow in the tank. Anyone else got a thought on this?

  18. Thanks to all of you guys for the compliments and advice. @KimP I will look into it today but since you are in south austin I might save money by buying it closer than spending the gas smile.png I really appreciate the offer though!

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