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Drew Mendez WTR

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Status Updates posted by Drew Mendez WTR

  1. My 150gallon aquarium did a water change while I wasn't home, lost about 100 gallons or so. FML

    1. C Lo Slice

      C Lo Slice

      Uh oh... Wifey wasn't too happy when 25 gallons ended up on our floor. Did you have a better outcome than me?

  2. Sgt Joey Saenz USMC KIA OEFLCpl John Aldridge USMC I miss you two very much and can only repay you by being there for your families for the rest of my life. Joey you are my hero and I'm honored to have known you.Johnny you were my brother and the hole you left can never be filled or replaced.All my heroes at 1st Combat Engineer Battalion who have paid the ultimate priceForever missedTo all my boys throwing it down in Afghanistan currently; I love and my miss you guys and I worry ab...

  3. My yellow watchman goby went over the "waterfall" into the sump, don't know how long he was in there; but glad he's okay and back into the main tank. I hope his tiger shrimp is waiting for him. Very interesting relationship in nature-happy I get to witness the ocean in my living room!

  4. Had a nightmare about dealing with Camp Pendleton TMO....again. I woke up sweating wtf...!

  5. Losing my religion-also

  6. I'm going back to a better class of losersThis up-town living's really got me downI need friends who don't pay their bills on home computersAnd who buy their coffee beans already groundYou think it's disgraceful that they drink three-dollar wineBut a better class of losers suits me fine

    1. Demodiki


      Everyone one belongs somewhere.

  7. Guess who's now a welder...this guy

    1. mFrame


      Awesome! Something I've always wanted to learn...

  8. Going to the dog park....Ram, Ayla and lil' kinz

  9. I hesitated picking my license plate number for pick three and it came out. Fml

  10. Injured Marine Fund, helped us out today with rent money and dog food.

    1. All WYSIWYG

      All WYSIWYG

      When do you start at chillking? I assume you and pat have been talking, he told me he was hiring you.

  11. My wife and I have started house hunting...

    1. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      Excellent time to get a great deal on houses.

  12. My credit score has gone down 115 points since I've been married-Correlation?

  13. Changed my mind so much I cant even trust itMy mind changed me so much I cant even trust myself

    1. Timfish


      I know the feeling :-0

  14. OOOOooooo Kleberg court is asking Corpus PD for a Intoxilyzer

  15. If you have Netflix please watch "Downfall" its in German with English subtitles I hate movies that I have to read but I didn't mind it surprisingly...

    1. Gig 'em @ NDstructible

      Gig 'em @ NDstructible

      That really is a good movie!

    2. o0zarkawater


      Isn't this from that movie? ;)

  16. Taking real world roommate interviews for my house. South Austin HMU

  17. Why does it feel like I'm looking at the menu to Jamba Juice everytime I look at all my wife's shampoos?

  18. Who was the first in class of 2007 to get married? Not have kids Jesse Mejia

  19. Has George Strait ever recorded a bad song? Baylie K. Cannon :)

  20. Smh at people that completely forget about their friends when they get in a relationship. I get it! After your one week of a "relation****"; its obvious they're the "one" but alienating the people that have always been there for you is: irresponsible, messed up, and retarded behavior

  21. Fortune Cookie today was "Look for new outlets for your own creative abilities" I dont know what the hell the cookie is talking about.

  22. My smallest weenie just woke me up with a loud crash, she runs in and jumps on my face her head is stuck in a cereal bag Haha. Kinsler

  23. How nicknames are born One example I can think of specifically is my friend Bill. My section leader at the time decided he looked like the character Bill from King of the Hill, so he declared him “Bill.” (His real name has absolutely no similarity). Bill eventually turned into Billdo, a play on Bilbo from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. This continued to Billdo Faggins, and then eventually Billdo Faggins of the Heushire (playing on his real name). Eventually Billdo Faggins s...

  24. Scott Pilgrim vs. the world my new favorite movie quote time.

  25. Danielle Medina Clean your otterbox out Javier Garcia

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