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Posts posted by JamesL

  1. I had a blue in the past... loved it, though I lost it after a year or so:


    I now have an orange one from the Dome, and that thing gets around my tank pretty fast:

    I still never understood the day I caught it crawling over my maxi mini carpet anemone:
  2. Looking for a chance to win some extra prize tickets? I am sure the answer is "heck yes!".

    Then mosey on over to the C4 and ARC Facebook pages for your chance:



    Like both pages, and then leave a comment in the contest post on each letting us know what you are most looking forward two at C4.

    4 lucky people (2 from the C4 page, and two from the ARC page) will win extra prize tickets on April 30th. 2 of those people are walking away with 10 extra prize tickets each, and another 2 are walking away with 5 extra prize tickets each!

    Good luck!

    • Like 2
  3. Very good price on the cameras. I must say I was really intrigued by the technology, thus the reason for acquiring one. Though, I must also admit I haven't used it in a while. Like Mitch said, you really have to think and compose your shots with the Lytro camera. It is not a "spur of the moment" picture type thing.

    Here is my reef related Lytro pictures: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/27029-jamesls-reef-related-lytro-pictures/

    And here are my general Lytro pictures: https://pictures.lytro.com/JamesL

  4. Hey, I thought i saw you hanging around my sump too much James! Great pictures btw,

    Busted! devil.gif

    Yes, this is a Limited Edition Ty plate and he is just always happy and puffed up. Much more so than my green plate I have.

  5. Quick two picture update.

    This guy is just awesome:


    And my tube anemone seems a lot happier. He has been busy building his tube under the sand. I went to move him just a few days after putting him in the tank, and he had already built his tube deep enough to attach it to the rock work:


  6. Here are some quick phone pictures of the tank. Still a bit cloudy, and some things not exactly happy with me smile.png




    Blurry picture of my Ty frag:


    And unhappy tube anemone due to the sliming of stuff in the tank:


    • Like 1
  7. Now I know why I was on a meeting hiatus..... Every time I go to one I either leave poorer or with new ideas (or both in this case). Thanks to Ty and his awesome open floor plan tank, I came home and did some re-arranging in mine. Took out a few paly encrusted pieces (*cough* for sale) to open things up. I then added a piece of Ty grown hydrophorna (probably butchered that, but to lazy to look up the correct spelling now). I also acquired an orange tube anemone from Nikos Reef. Picture will come in a few days when the dust settles.

    But the fun did not stop there tonight. After the great rearrange, i noticed some water on the floor behind the tank. Further inspection led to me finding my hang on the back fuge was leaking. So glad I saw it then instead of 2 in the morning when the water alarms under the tank would have went off. It was leaking from an input junction and didn't look easily fixed, so I took the whole think off and put a spare hang on the back skimmer on. Truthfully it was time for the fuge to be cleaned, as I have never done any real maintenance on it in about 4-5 years. I think I am going to run fuge less for a while. While cleaning it out I did find a 2-3 inch brown filtering clam inside of it on the wall. I chunked him into the main tank behind the rock work.

    All fish were accounted for except my six line wrasse, which hopefully was just scared into the rock work. Hope to see him in the morning.

  8. But you notice I did not say what type of Palys smile.png Yes, they are what people are calling the Texas Trash Palys. I personally think they look OK (a teal/blue), but they do spread like wild fire.

    I re-arranged my tank today, and the below pieces do not fit. They are chuck full of the plays (there might be some purple mushrooms and maybe even some other zoos hiding on the rocks). I have also posted a picture showing what they looked like in my tank when open (before my re-arranging).

    Prices as shown, or $30 for the whole lot. First come first serve on the little free pieces.

    I am in the Buda area. My schedule is busy on Sunday, but I am pretty free on Monday.

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