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Status Updates posted by JamesL

  1. Tomorrow is the last day to submit pictures for this months contest!

  2. Quarter way throught he month ... time to get your photo contest entries in!

  3. Final days to cast your vote for the Pic-o-Month contest!

    1. mcallahan


      can I just default vote for your pic James?

  4. Picture contest vote up. Vote!

  5. Last day to get your fish pictures into the contest!

  6. Chocolate Mint Cookies a bakin'

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bluespotjawfish


      Seriously not fair to talk about unless you plan to share!

    3. JamesL


      Good news everyone, they are for the swap :)

    4. Teresa


      those cookies were delicious!

  7. Pic-of-the-month contest changed to just fish.

  8. Is the "Ugliest Fish" picture contest too hard? No entries yet :(

    1. August


      I could post some ugly fish pictures but sadly none that I took :(

    2. C Lo Slice

      C Lo Slice

      I'm considering entering my Kole Tang. He recently got into a fight with some rocks... the rocks won

  9. Has been slicing and dicing the gorgonians today for next weekends frags swap...

    1. Teresa


      awesome! What kind do you have? I was thinking of looking up how to frag my new ones . . .

    2. JamesL


      I will be posting up details and pictures once things are a bit happier. Basically some photo synth gorgs.

    3. dapettit


      I'll do being that to my stawberry chalice and green picllapora. Will have a huge red w/yellow polyp colony for sale as well.

  10. I turned my ARC calander to August and looky whose picture it is :)

  11. Congrats Robb and winning the July photo contest!

    1. Chad and Belinda
    2. fishypets


      Can we have a recount? My chad must have not been punched all the way through.

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      Shush Clint! Thanks everyone.

  12. Something seems different...

  13. Get your votes in for the Pic-of-the-month. There is currently a tie, with a very close third!

  14. The July Photo Contest Vote is up! (Sorry for the delay)

  15. 2.5 days left to get a photo entered into this month's contest. So far, a pretty poor turnout.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JamesL


      I just tried, and it let me upload another picture (which I then deleted). Might want to try again.

    3. gtovar


      Hello James, I have a couple of questions I was curious about and was wondering if you might be able to answer for me. What determines a members status as far as guppy, reef keeper, zen, elite and so on. Also what does it mean when a member has a Reputation on profile.....Thanks

    4. gtovar


      Hello James, I have a couple of questions I was curious about and was wondering if you might be able to answer for me. What determines a members status as far as guppy, reef keeper, zen, elite and so on. Also what does it mean when a member has a Reputation on profile.....Thanks

  16. Happy 4th everyone! Be safe today.

  17. Congrats KimP on the winning picture!

    1. dapettit
    2. KimP


      Wow, cool! I was up against some great pics, thank you :D

  18. I foresee a picture winner... :)

  19. Tick Tock, June is almost over. Get your picture votes in!

  20. All: please see the meeting thread about a move in the date.

    1. dapettit


      Thanks James, I sent a PM to those who expressed an interest from the forum.

  21. Happy Father's Day to all the ARC dads!

  22. Tick tock, only 2 days left to get your seahorse pictures entered in to the June contest!

  23. Pictures people! We need June contest entries!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Teresa


      lol - ya'll are funny :) Unfortunately, I am seahorse-less for a couple months while I let my tanks re-cycle. I learned the hard way that patience pays in this hobby. But I'm still impatient anyway :P. I can't wait to see the pics and be jealous!

    3. mcallahan


      i know clint..I'm sure you will win!

    4. JamesL


      Yep, the contest is rigged so the person with the most votes win ;)

  24. Congrats luckylou on winning the May Pic-O-Month contest!

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