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Posts posted by Scutterborn

  1. Of course this is all pending an inspection of the fish. He must eat and be free of parasites. I've heard good things about aquadome so I'm more worried about whether he eats or not.

    - Ben -

  2. Disclaimer, if it is gone by the time you get there I did not actually purchase it, please don't hurt me.

    No worries! You crack me up too much with your posts for me to bust up your fingers! Jk Jk! Lol. I'm am usually a really peaceful guy. But I'm Irish, too. Lol!

    - Ben -

  3. Looks like Sherita and I have identified it as an Antennarius maculatus species. A clown warty frogfish. Bon Fenner reports growth to about 6-7" with rapid growth depending on feeding habits. I will be purchasing him today....

    - Ben -

  4. So what's the final verdict from the community?

    He'll be in a species specific 28g nanocube tank for at least the next two years. I'm not sure on the growth rate of this species. I've read that some species can grow to the size of a bowling ball and others to only 5-7". I'm not sure what species this guy is and I don't want to house him unethically.

    - Ben -

  5. I'm not nearly in to fish as I am into corals. Only a few species have really caught my eye in a manner that caused me to get giddy. It happened...

    I was at Austin aquadome today and saw this lil guy


    He is one of the cutest and unusual fish I've ever seen. I want him!!! I resisted the involuntary urge to reach around for my wallet and thought. (Unusual for me). Research, Ben. Research, Research, Research!!!

    So I'm looking for anyone who has experience with frogfish. Don't cite google links to MRI will be all over that when I get home. First or second hand experience is what I'm looking for.

    Yes it would be a species specific tank.

    - Ben -

  6. As far as the OP goes, I'd recommend a reef octopus skimmer. They tend to be a popular brand and should be available used frequently. Make sure you look for a mesh wheel or needle wheel. Venturi skimmers are not as efficient.

    As far as lighting goes... What do you wanna do? Softies/ LPS? SPS? Need more info before I can recommend anything in regards to this subject.

    Welcome back to the hobby!!

    - Ben -

  7. Remote would imply " other than your display tank". Regardless of where it is. The bigger the better. Mine will be in the sump right after the fuge section. If you choose to employ a separate tank for that, it would still be fine. Some people just don't have the room or it isn't aesthetically pleasing to have another tank viewable.

    - Ben -

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  8. I would like to learn more as well. Are there any coral that can't be kept with a dsb? Like Sps.

    A DSB doesn't dictate what you can and cannot keep. It's simply a passive, natural nitrate reducer.

    - Ben -

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