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Posts posted by JoelATX

  1. Are the two 'VSS' lines coming from the same source and same with your GND? What is reading 46.7V?...output of your LDD? Does this have an emitter connected when you are reading? Also, what voltage are you reading on your PWM pin3?

    The blue(+) and green(-) wires were from the same PS, but are disconnected at the PS. (I realized that its just one power block at the PS, even though it has 3 positive screw connectors)

    46.x is from the LDD output.

    I have not connected it to a string of LEDs, because I don't have control.

    PIN 3 voltage varies with settings, something like; 100 gives about 1.8v, 255 almost the full 5v.

  2. Here is the code. I had a bunch of code for a LCD, but it was all commented out and now removed.

    Basic PWM controll
    // include the library code:
    //#include "Wire.h"
    //#include "LiquidCrystal.h"
    //#include "RTClib.h" // a basic DS1307 library that returns time
    int threshold = 15;
    int white = 3;           // the pin that the LED is attached to
    int whitelv = 1;    // how bright the LED is
    int color = 5;           // the pin that the LED is attached to
    // int brightness = 0;    // how bright the LED is
    int colorlv = 100;    // how bright the LED is
    int blue = 9;           // the pin that the LED is attached to
    // int brightness = 0;    // how bright the LED is
    int bluelv = 0;    // how bright the LED is
    int fadeAmount = 5;    // how many points to fade the LED by
    int uv = 10;           // the pin that the LED is attached to
    int uvlv = 0;    // how bright the LED is
    void setup() {
      pinMode(white, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(color, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(blue, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(uv, OUTPUT);
    void loop() {
        int runtime = (millis()/1000);
      analogWrite(white, whitelv);    
      analogWrite(color, colorlv);
      analogWrite(blue, bluelv);
      analogWrite(uv, uvlv);   
  3. I'm having trouble controlling the LDD drivers with the PWM signal. I have a Mega 2560 R3, Coralux x5 board and Meanwell LDDs installed. When the pin is set to zero I get no voltage out, but when anything greater than zero is set, the voltage is 46.7. Which is what the MW SE-350-48 PS is supplying. If I check the voltage coming from pin 3 it is inline with the the value set.

    I read other places that is would be a grounding issue, but I've grounded everything. Ground from Mega to the ground from PS.

    Any help or guidance would be VERY helpful.

    Here is picture of the setup.


  4. I got my custom made skimmer stand installed. The skimmer was precariously sitting a top the MarinePure plates. Now its nice and stable, sitting in about 8 inches of water. I also picked up this silicon pot holder to reduce the vibration, not that were was any.



    I also did a little re-plumbing to make it easier to remove the skimmer bowl.


    How do these bubbles look?


    • Like 3
  5. I got presents from Amazon today…

    Coral Frenzy - It got the Sun Coral to at least think about opening.

    Hydor Koralia Evolution 1150 - To replace the Maxi-Jet, I ordered it the evening before the anemone got injured. I was theorizing that the sun coral may want more flow. It will be driven by my Hydor SmartWave. My hope is that the pump will be safer and the cycling will give something a chance to retract away from it.

    Does this work in practice?

    Bonus- while moving the sun coral I notice that it has a new polyp that is opening.

    • Like 1
  6. Suicide!!!!!

    I'm pretty sure the green tip anemone killed itself last night. Most of the time he moves by oozing his foot along. Maybe he took flight last night.

    The only possibility that it didn't mortally wound itself is you can see a little green in the picture. The pump was about 6 inches further away. He must has got some of the tentacles caught in the head, then retracked and move the power head even closer.

    I hope it doesn't foul the tank before I can get home this evening.



  7. Clean up crew is settling in nicely, but the stupid Nerite snails keep crawling out. The new skimmer is pulling out major funk, but it is a little touchy. The anemone is one hell of a traveller, it's been all over the left tower and has now moved to the center of the tank. angry.png Heading for the frogspawn and hammer!!!noexpression.gif

    Some how I've made the sun coral angry, it hasn't come out in three or four days, I've moved him to a shader spot, in hopes that the new lights are the problem.

    If anyone knows any tips or tricks let me know...

  8. Thanks for the compliments. smile.png

    I emptied the cup on the protein skimmer for the first last night, oh the smell. Anyone else have problems getting the cup off the throat? I had to grab it by the throat and wiggle and pull. It was not graceful!

    I think the skimmer is at 6 inches, it's not getting fine bubble all the way up the throat. Lowering it should help?

    The green tip already tried to give my frogspawn a handshake. One of the heads has a little damage. Yesterday, in a counter clockwise motion, the anemone moved all the up the tower. It was likely looking for more light. Which I'll be able to give it, thanks to the new LED lights.

  9. I finished assembling RapidLED's Dual Aurora Puck Kit (Dimmable). Man are they bright! I'll have to just turn them on one channel at the time, until the tank is acclimated. I'm using an Arduino to control them, even with just enough juice to turn them on they are very bright.


    post-2099-0-14290700-1401676989_thumb.jp post-2099-0-92692800-1401677003_thumb.jp

    post-2099-0-76006700-1401677099_thumb.jp post-2099-0-18264900-1401677018_thumb.jp

    • Like 1
  10. New Protein Skimmer - SC Aquariums SCA-302

    I've seen many favorable reviews on the internet and It's rated for 180 Gal. For under $200 hopefully I can't go wrong.

    I was a little worried when I saw the Amazon box, but then I started to unpack it. SC did not mess around with packaging.

    Every piece feels solid, it should be easy to disassemble and clean, four screws.




  11. Live stock update!

    I have a few new things in the tank!
    Another Zoanthid, Green Button Polyps (Protopalythoa mutuki).
    If you look close, at the base of the main polyp there is a new one growing.
    Green Long Tentacle Anemone (macrodactyla doreensis)
    It took me a good 5 minutes to get it out of the bucket, then twice as long to get it off my fingers and stuck to the rock. It stayed there for about 36 hours, now its on the move! I think it may have touched my frogspawn, so I moved it. Sascha warned me it was a traveler.
    Indo Bright Orange Sun Coral, (Tubastraea faulkneri)
    When all the polyps are out it's like a beacon.
    If I have any of the scientific names wrong please let me know.






    • Like 1
  12. I've finally gotten the sump and a power strip, to help manage the cords, all installed. The sumps been there for a few weeks but it was a mesh of cords and looked like a fire hazard.

    It looks kind of bare without the protein skimmer, it's still connected to the old tank.






  13. Don't know if the Anthias has eaten, heres what I've tried:

    Pods that were in the tank

    Reef Nutrition Arcti-Pods

    Live Large Brine Shrimp

    Baby brine shrimp (I hatched them over the weekend)

    New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula 1mm Sinking Pellet Fish Food

    Fauna Marin Clownfish - small

    Freeze Dried brine and plankton with selcon added.

    My Chromis are getting fat though.

    I have some "Instant baby brine jar" coming today.

    I checked on Nutramar OVA prawn eggs, currently unavailable..

    In the wild what size food is he eating?

    If the food is plankton size with you see him eating?

  14. Well I guess no change is better than bad. He comes out a little but never really swims around. There was a good pod population in the tank and that appears to be lessening.

    With all the feeding; I checked the Ammonia and Nitrates, both are at or near Zero. I also read that lowering the salinity helps with the recovery. So I'm slowly taking it down to 1.02.

  15. Hi All,

    I picked up another Square Anthias, from Niko's reef. The fish was in LA Sunday morning and in South Austin by 5pm, I waited for them to un-box him, that way he only had to do one accliamation yesterday.

    Anyway, he could care less about eating; I've tried flake, krill, mysis shrimp, and Fauna Marin-Ultra soft clownfish food.

    I know they need to eat 3 times a day, so he should be hungry by now.

    I read that they like New Life Spectrum Marine Fish Formula 1mm, so I've got some coming.

    Any other suggestions?


  16. I've added a few corals. Frogspawn, and 3 Zoas.

    Does the flow for these creatures look right?

    This is the Frogspawn.

    Pink Zoas

    Green Zoas

    People Eaters - They are melting away others are doing great. Any ideas? I just moved them to this spot from a little brighter area.

  17. I'll get a piece of card board to make sure it will fit though the opening in my stand. If I angle it just right I think 40x18 will make it throughout the back.

    Is the filter sock section big enough for a protein skimmer? The drain bulkheads are nice, one less thing for me to do.

    How think is the acrylic?

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