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Posts posted by JoelATX

  1. Things are not looking good, the black continues to grow back on the stem and it's pretty much completely withered. 

    About 3 weeks ago the green anemone traveled around (or over) the Neon Green Nephthya Leather Coral. Could this be the result of that?

    I've included some photos of corals that are doing great. The plating coral has grown off the plug and is now cover the gravel. Those larger polyps on it are the new growth since the decline of the naphtha started.






  2. I brushed off one little spot Friday afternoon. The coating didn't return by noon today, but that branch didn't open any more. So by 3:30 it looked the same and I just brushed the whole thing. I noticed a little of the zooxanthellae coming off with the brown stuff. This stuff leaves a smell on the brush, that even transferred to my fingers. It's more of a mushroom/fungus smell than bacteria, I think. Weird! 

    I'm giving the brush and my finger a little beach bath.

  3. It looks like a diatoms bloom on the surface of the Kenya tree. It's been doing fine for years, then two days ago I noticed this. It closed up and never reopened.

    Alkalinity 140, a little low I shoot for 160ppm
    Nitrate, near zero or my test kit has gone bad
    Calcium 325
    Phosphate Zero
    Salinity 1.025
    10 gal water change every couple of weeks. Weekly if I'm doing good.

    Not to say there aren't other problems in the tank of late. I'm thinking the nitrate and phosphate are so low because they are tied up into algae all over the tank.
    I fully expected to find nitrates and phosphates to be super high.
    I have other SPS corals that are looking their best in weeks.

    Any guess?






  4. My BRS system has a flush value for the RO membrane, so I ran that for 30 minutes (ish), flushing the new filters, before I replaced the DI filter media. I'll use the current water in the holding tank to wash and rinse the saltwater mixing container. Then over night it will produce new fresh water.



  5. Filters and DI media must have been exhausted, the TDS going into the DI was 12-15, and exiting the DI filter at 11.

    Luckily I'd gotten a new filter set last week from our friends at BRS. TDS at exit is back to 0. There still was lots of blue in the old media. I tested the water in the holding tank, it's now Zero, didn't test before changing the filters.

    I'm also using a non-food grade gray plastic tub, thats got a layer of gunk on all the under water surfaces. I'll be washing that out this evening before mixing more water.

    Primary tanks was down a few points, in the 8ppm range now, so the vodka must be doing the trick.

  6. I've been having 10-15ppm in my main tank and had done 4 10 gal water changes, over the last 10 days and cut back on feeding with no change.

    SO I tested the new saltwater that I made on Thursday, and it's showing 10ppm..

    Is it time to change filters in my RO system, bad batch of salt?

    What the....

    The DI has changed a cream/brown for the bottom inch of the canister.

    Any help would be much appreciated.


  7. Around Noon, I noticed one of the Blue/Green Chromis swimming near the bottom of the tank. It half heartily swam off and I couldn't find him. Well when I got home he was hermit crab/snail food.

    I got 6 Blue/Green Chromis all at the same time, several months back right after the tank was fallow due to bacterial outbreak. They have all been doing fine, schooling in the top third of the tank. About a month ago they started hiding in their sleeping spots. Except the runt of the school, he's been cursing around the tank like the other used to do.

    They only come out to feed, SOMETIMES. Why would they all do fine with traffic moving past the tank until recently? I double check the water, even checked for ammonia. All is normal.

    The invertebrates are doing great, even my People Eater Zoas are rebounding.

    Anyone have a guess as to what is going on?



  8. About 10 days ago, maybe two weeks, my spotted hawk was kind of upside down floating on its side, and a hermit crab was messing with his left eye. I check him with a feeding stick and he moved, but he was kind of ridged, spikes up and tense. I feed him and he gobbled up 4 or so freeze-dried planktons, and went back to his normal self. His eye was a little swollen, over the next few days he has been eating well.

    The eye got a little worse, then stated to go down. Last night it was a little larger. This morning one part of the eye has a spot. :-(

    He is still swimming and eating very well. Swimming so well that catching him could be difficult.

    Ammonia: 0.0

    Nitrite: 0

    Nitrate: maybe a little over zero, so close I can't tell

    Salinity: 1.025
    Phosphate: 0

    Temp: 79

    Other livestock in tank: Clown, frogspawn, torch, zoas, snails, brittel star and hermit crabs.

    His other eye is fine, but what should be my next step?

  9. I'm selling my old system, for pricing I looked on ebay for same items and priced everything a little less than average.

    Pro Clear Aquatics Wet/Dry filter with over-flow (75 gal) - $40


    This is the older style, a few scratches, but no leaks. Works great!

    Includes: over flow, pre-filter, and return nozzle.

    AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer - $85


    Had this for years, works great for a 30 gal.

    The MJ 1200 pump could use a new impeller, but still gets the job done.

    New these are over $200 with pump and filter box.

    I even still have the brush to clean the nozzle.

    Hydor Slim Skim - $70


    This is the 17" 65 gal. unit

    Working, but it's missing the back wall suction cups.

    They were rock hard and no longer worked.

    Jager 200W Heater - $15



    I think this is my newish Jager heater. I have 3 and lost track.

    And a 30 Gallon glass tank - $30

    It's a glass fish tank, a few years old, silicone is in good shape, few minor scratches, I think you know what they look like, so photo not require.

    I'll sell the whole lot for $220.

  10. Yesterday or so, he kind of brushed it a few times, then last night I fed the anemone. Homie looked at it, like I want that food… But I think it was the first time Homie paid any attention to it.

    I'm pretty sure he slept there last night. This morning he was plowing his head and body into it.

  11. Well after twenty plus years of not having an anemone, Homie has found the green LTA.


    It amazing how Clowns are hard wired for this behavior.

    I just hope he doesn't love it to death, it looked like he was pretty rough on it this morning.


    This is the anemone's good side but the damage to the other is healed and the new tingles are around half inch long.

    I've been feeding it thumb nail sized chunks of shrimp every few days.

  12. Not a true emergency, but if they are something unusual I'd try and save them. I'm tearing down the old tank.

    For a year or so I've thought they were some sort of black sponge.

    But now that the water is drained they are MUCH more fleshy.

    I'll try and keep some water on them for a while...




  13. The move has begun! Homie (23+ year old Clown) and Spot (Spotted Hank Fish) are drip acclimating. I had Spot in the net before he knew he was being captured. I needed two tries to get Homie, but both were pretty uneventful. I had the net in the tank for a few days, does that really help?


    Are these black sponges? Better pictures later.


    Now for the not so fun part, cleaning the old tank. :-(
  14. Maybe cautious isn't always a good thing.

    I strung together 8 small LEDs and a 10K resistor. Set my brightness to 1, 2, 3, 4 on the channels, and I get 14.0, 14.2, 14.6 and 14.8 at each pin. So the LDD just needs to complete a circuit before it will work.

    Better to be cautious than blow a RapidLED Aurora puck. But I already miss the 8 hours I've been trying to figure this out.


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