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Everything posted by barderer

  1. looks like green hair, take it out and kill now. don't know = do kill.
  2. they are cool looking but prob better off in a small nano so you can actually observe it.
  3. A large percentage of collected fish die between the collection point and their final destination. Regardless of shop. With the exception of tank bred fish. But Petco is by far one of the worst final destinations for sure! Their staff rarely knows much about marine. Not to mention the local shops usually beat them on price as well.
  4. what brand uses reagent grade chemicals in their mix? Has anyone tried salt from www.aquacraft.net? They advertise in CORAL mag and offer all "kinds" of salts. Are they on the legit?
  5. might be nice to use a high power white led, you could prob get by with just one for the refug...
  6. its not like there isn't plenty of room hehe
  7. I give it 3 months before that washing machine is in the apartment a floor below hehe
  8. I wonder how accurate that table is. Funny that Red Sea is so low on Ca since is specifically engineered to have higher levels. Lets open it up for debate yet again! What salt mix is best for the reef aquarium and why?
  9. never seen that for sale in the store though
  10. your tank should be able to handle that nooo problem. I could do that load in a 75 If you get a good skimmer you can close double that load.
  11. I can do half that if someone wants to take the other half.
  12. Which fish have you guys and gals kept that were good at eating Caulerpa and not corals? Thanks
  13. A very nice 8 head Pom Pom Xenia colony for sale. This would be a nice piece for a nano tank. Comes on a rock that has been in my tank for 1.5 years sprinkled with dragon eye zoos on the base. Very nice! Enfield and Mopac $40 What you see is exactly what you get. Picture of actual colony. Standard Magnification -1 exposure under 50/50 10k/actinic lighting zoomed 5x standard exposure under daylight and 10k lighting I guarantee this to be extremely healthy and pest free. Come by and take a look. Thanks, Nick
  14. I am growing many of his SPS under PC's and they are doing quite well. Its all about location location location!
  15. looking for a sample of this. LMK if you have.
  16. T5's will work quite well. That stuff will grow under almost anything.
  17. I'll retract my dibs on cali tort and anemone.
  18. I'll take the cali blue tort and possibly the sebae anemone
  19. Usually I order from buckeye but it would be nice to pick up DI refills locally. Does anyone know where they sell DI refill and carbon refill for 10" RO/DI units here in town.
  20. I have a QT I could put him in. Let me know where to him.
  21. Maybe I should just sell liter bottles of stock solution for 5 bucks. Enough to do alk test for years! hehe.
  22. The chemist of reef central have polished this up a little at. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...hreadid=1583884 Mainly we need to shoot for pH 4.2 with sea water and one of the conversion factors was a typo.
  23. If you had access to a nuclear reactor you could turn lead to gold!!. Serious this is a high school chemistry. Sigh, we need more public school funding
  24. More accurate way to determine Alkalinity After trying to get a accurate reading with my color titration Alkalinity test kit and failing. I can't tell the difference between the slight color changes. My gf gives a different reading than I do because we see the color differently. I just don't think those kits are very accurate. So I figure I have a digital pH meter why not do a HCL titration to saturate the alkalinity and calculate the amount of HCL used to get total alkalinity. Note: I am not a chemist but this is high school chemistry so if you are a chemist please take a look at my method and scrutinize. The hard part; Making a 0.1 N solution of hydrochloric acid. Grab a bottle of muriatic acid from your local home depot. Mine sells 20 baume 31.45% w/w HCl. Now we have to calculate the Morality of this solution. Most bottles will have a baume number on them. You will need this. To calculate the total weight of HCl in the bottle we take: Specific gravity * %of HCl = g of HCl Specific gravity can be found by 145/(145-baume). So in my case I have a s.g. of 145/(145-20) = 1.16 Total HCl is 1.16 *1000 * .3145 = 364.82g HCl Now I can find my morality, the molecular weight of HCl is 36.46g 364.82g/36.46g = 10 M So in sort, the HCl home depot sells is 10 M. This is way too strong for practical purposes so we want to make a dilution of this for our titration. We are going to need a 0.1 N stock solution of HCl so first we will make a 1 N solution then make a 0.1 N solution from that. You should really make the stock solutions in phases like this for accuracy. M1V1 = M2V2 we want to make a 1000ml 1 M solution from a 10 M so. 10x = 1 * 1000 x= 100 ml So we add 100ml to 900ml of DI water (make sure your water reads 0 on your TDS meter.) and we get a 1 N stock solution. The pH of this solution should read 0.1 if your meter can handle this. Now we do the same thing to make a .1 N solution from this solution. Let’s make a 1000ml of this stuff so we don’t have to do it again for a long time. 0.1*1000/1 = 100 ml. So add 100 ml of the 1N solution to 900 ml of DI water and you will finally have your stock solution!!! Measure the pH of this solution as a check. It should be 1.1 . Easy part; Testing Now take a sample of your aquarium water, you can use any volume but I like to use 100ml because my pH meter sits nicely in the cup without me holding it at this level. Stick in your pH meter to your sample. You should get the same reading you do when you stick it directly in your tank. If not start over with a clean sample container. Now draw up some 0.1 N HCl solution in to your 5ml syringe. And start dropping into your sample 0.5 mls at a time and watch your pH meter. You are adding a strong acid so your pH should fall rapidly. Once your pH hits 5 start to slow down and add a drop at a time until your pH hits 4.5 . The reason we are shooting for 4.5 is because this is the point where all available carbonates have been converted to carbonic acid. You would think this would be pH 7 but it’s not as carbonic acid is a weak acid and you have to really saturate it etc. Anyway, once you have reached pH 4.5 you are done and now can calculate your total alkalinity. Alk mg of CaC03 /L = A x N x 50,000 / mL of sample Where A = ml of acid added N = normality of your HCL So if you added 4ml of 0.1 HCL before you hit a pH of 4.5 4*0.1*50,000 / 100 = 400 ppm CaC03 equivalents or your total alkalinity is 2 meg/L (mg/L / 50 = meg/L). Very accurate! And cheaaap.
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