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Everything posted by MasonHoff

  1. your def. starting off big!
  2. i love how much my pistol shrimp builds new homes everyday in my crushed coral! like 10 so far under only 3 peices of fiji LR! always under a new shelf!
  3. well looks like i have a couple black one and a couple white ones
  4. your right it is an elaphant slug. it turned black and got that spot in like one day.
  5. this awnsred the snail qeustion. http://www.thereefta...nail-84136.html its not a sundial sorry to put a diffrent forum on here guys
  6. and the black one looked kinda like a some sort of nudibranch. it looked like a porciupine more than a slug! but same size as others
  7. my pistol shrimp is the best thing that has ever happend to my substrate
  8. thats what i meant DJ! you have paypal? can or sell me 23 and 24 for $15 since you said 23 was pretty small! i can send you paypal! i can meet you tomorrow anytime after 8:30a.m.
  9. OK so the top picture. i was looking in the tank a night with a flashlight for my emrald crab to see what he was up to. and i saw this snail next to my zoafrag! what is it? and the next two pictures same day before work i saw this on the glass? kinda looks like a slug or somin. and another question i had a small black looking urchin slug. that had pointy spines running in one direction on it kinda like a porcupine! i have seen every once and a while to always near my zoas? what are theese things?
  10. 1 baby tank bred true percula clownfish that has already been seen hosting in a frogspawn. i bought two from a guy! and only need one its the one on the bottom left! first 10 bucks takes it 512-619-9nine6three call txt or email
  11. MasonHoff

    aqueon acp 70

    sorry its a acp 700/ 700gph
  12. do you have a bubble stone? and take some and dump in some stability from seachem if your looking to nsave your live stock
  13. MasonHoff

    aqueon acp 70

    want to trade for smaller circulation nano style pump
  14. deifnatly add a bubble stone! it couldnt hurt! but petco and petmart fish arent the best! but if you give it a couple weeks you should have at least 20+ baby fry! and youll forget all about your loss!
  15. well my tank is 2months old! 0 ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates dkh 10.5 calcium 550 phosphates 1250 mag. and im still dosing TLC every week.
  16. anybody think taking the rock and and putting a torch to the gelidium and bubble algae a bad idea?
  17. any good sugesstions on what to do that will eradicate the Gelidium?
  18. yeah i saw mr saltwater tv do a video on it! should i just take the rock out and get the algae off then, so that i dont risk popping them in my tank? and then rinsethe rock with fresh salt water?
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