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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I'd say to call BRS and walk through the issue with them. They helped me fix mine pretty quickly when I'd figured out I'd installed something wrong. Things start getting complicated when you have auto-shut off, flush kit, booster pump... etc
  2. Mess, it was supposed to be nickels Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Getting complicated much...? Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. When I did it on my other fixtures, you paid a small fee based on the size of the fixture (for the 3' was $20 I believe) and pay for the LEDs youre replacing them with. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. You can pay with a Credit Card through PayPal.... [emoji6]
  6. Please note it does give nice coverage up for 4' Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. For sale is 1 36" Super Actinic Build My LED Fixture. This is the fixture made of uv and blue LEDs. It is about a year old. I was going to use it on my new tank but ended up not needing it. Works great. Retail - $244 Yours for $125. Pm Pick up in manor evenings or near Reagan high during the week.
  8. I'll cut however much you want of mine and you can make it into a colony. I have plenty
  9. I can't tell what it may be. See if any others pop up?
  10. SOL's are very BLUE! I have had great growth from SPS under VHO, Halides,and LEDS. With the LED's and Halides coloration being slightly different but the growth rates being the same.
  11. From what I understand, RO water is good. DI water is bad.
  12. Anyone want a free damsel? It's in a small container

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Juiceman


      Idk what kind, not yellow tail. About 1.25"

    3. Juiceman


      Ehh, put it in the new tank. Didn't want it to die

    4. Richard L

      Richard L

      Was your damsel in distress?

  13. Ever heard of a 4" Hippo Tang jumping out of a tank? You have now! WTF!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KKAAY


      I just had my flame fin tang do the same. .. so sad

    3. jestep


      My 5" foxface jumped hit the wall while I was doing a water change a few months ago. Luckily I was able to save him, after I realized it was a fish, I thought my daughter threw a shoe at me or something it hit so hard.

    4. FarmerTy


      That's crazy Rory! Makes me want to get a canopy on my tank that much faster!

  14. You can come shop in my tank whenever you want! LOL
  15. Texted on 60g tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Felt straight HEAT when I walked in the fish room. Says the chiller has gone out 3 times. Coral and fish look great! Battling Majanos but otherwise, looks good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. 660 gallon tank. Lit by 20k halides, 3 years old. Maintained by Kingfish Aquariums. Looks like 8 x 4 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. He also has the cleanest show tank out of any local fish store. Can't knock it if it works. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. He's definitely a " no bull kinda guy" lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I just saw this! Total Bummer! He got me started with SPS! Money sent!
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