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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. And yes, The MP60 will work but you'd have to have it up super high to get it to push that far which will make it loud.....
  2. You're right, it must be the school Firewall because I can see them on my phone. I had an SPS dominant tank with Build My LEDs. I was never happy with the growth or color. I really like the ATI Hybrids so far! The bulbs will be changed once a year. I think it will be worth the yearly cost.
  3. Also, for an 8' Tank, Vortechs won't cover that ground. Without 4-5 MP40s lining the back glass you will have lots of dead spots in the center. is the tank going to have a close loop pump? otherwise, I'd go with Tunze, Wp's/Rw's, Gyres, or possibly the ecotechs. I don't know much about them yet, either way you're going to need something that covers more length than a vortech.
  4. I can't see the renders..... Sad to say but I had tons of BML's over my tank and I didn't get great color and growth. Ironically I had better color and growth with the Evolution Fixtures I started with that were just White and Blue. I've seen lots of tanks with Radions that have great SPS growth and color. Another popular fixture especially for the price are the ones that Ty and Vu have. IDK the name If you have the budget, come take a peek at my ATI Hybrid Powermodules, 8 bulb T-5 Fixtures with LED's integrated. I'm very satisfied and still plan to tinker for more tuned colors.
  5. Ehh, that's what I was gonna suggest. When I had it in my 90 way back when, turbo snails knocked it out. I didn't like it but that's me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Don't know if you've posted about it, or I may be super late, but that red Algae on your rocks...... what's up with that?
  7. Are you sure that's a Setosa? Looks pretty Green to me
  8. In my experience, if they reach that point, you can't do much for them.
  9. What did you use in the QT? My understanding is that if there was ever any medication used in the tank, it seeps into the Silicone which can seep back out again. So if you used any Copper or other harsh medications, it will not be able to be re purposed for Coral.
  10. Cool. I pulled the trigger on 2 RW-8 pumps. We'll see how they are. Worst case, I'll use them in another way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I was going to make a trip out to Aquadome to get a wp25 for 70 but if the RW turns to the side too, I'll just order that instead. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Man, waaay cheaper through them. Neon, can you turn the head on the RW to the side like you can with the WP? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Well, I've got one of mine working after a thorough cleansing today. The other wouldn't come back on. I even tried some American ingenuity and banged it on something..... Still nothing. So now, should I pick up one WP25 to replace it or get 2 RW8 and replace both...? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. That's where I'm torn. Buy a few to replace them, and replace them again next year or get a different pump entirely Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I have 3 WP25s that I use to fill dead spots. After some investigating, I discovered they weren't running. I cleaned them thoroughly and plugged them back in. Still nothing. They're about a year old, maybe 1.5 years. Anyone else have issue with their WPs not lasting long? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I have 4 pairs of Build My LED tank mounts. $15 retail. $5 for each Pair Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Sour apple Seratopora for sure Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I should also say that the mounts of this kit are toggle based. I tried it in just the drywall and almost had a catastrophie, luckily I was still holding the fixture and it didn't fall in the tank. That's when the Home Depot guy suggested the Wood Idea. It is toggled on the other side of the wood, and the wood is bolted into the studs of the ceiling, which you definitely have, you probably need to use a stud finder.
  19. Do It, super active colorful tank! You will need a monster clean up crew though! I would recommend Lyretails, Bartlett, Randalls, Resplendent, and Carberryi. Constant Movement!
  20. I used a long piece of 1x4 to reach the beams of the ceiling then mounted the fixture to the wood. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I need some Phosphate reagent for my Hanna Checker. Is anyone placing an order soon I could get in on? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I think with a big enough tank and lots of Rock to call home, they'll be fine. Qt'ing them together will help alot!
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