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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I've caught about half of the fish.... the rest have figured out what's going on Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Well... I think I have velvet in the tank. I did an experiment and didn't add the new fish directly into the tank. It instead kept them isolated in acclimation chambers just to see if they still died with no fish stressing them. He was eating fine in QT, only made it 3 days in the display water, even though he was separated from all the other fish. The puffer showed similar signs, glazed look, dusted, slime coat, fresh water dipped him and he perked right up. Time to catch everyone and go without fish so the velvet can die off while I treat everyone. I'm not too concerned about my current stock as they were doing fine with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. We need to see the finished Aquascape sir......... You're moving like @jolt right now.....!
  4. I've got something funky going on with my fish and I'm not sure what my net step should be. I definitely have ich but it's never been this bad on newer fish like it is, plus I have some type of bacterial thing going on as well... only on newer fish. All of my older fish and several of the new ones show zero issues..... But lots of the new ones don't live past a week or so. Thinking of going back to a UV sterilizer and I'm currently running cyano rx to try and rid the tank of some excess bacteria (cyano rx is an anti bacterial so it seems like it may work) well see Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Replacement overflow covers. They fit great Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. What I'm currently working on... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 4/20/17 FTS Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I just looked and now I can see the whole post.. For some reason it only showed me purple Tang as what was being put in. If you've got a bunch of other fish then go for it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Looks cool dude. Do you have ventilation for that room? Also, you may want to wait to put that purple tang in in case its aggressive towards everything else you put it
  10. Everything is Stabilized and looking good. Fish seem to be happy, eating well and not fighting... much. Alk - 6.6 - I added some buffer last night, will test and get the CARX tuned again. Po4 - .03 - not concerned about this one as I've been feeding the Fish Everyday to help with the stress. To do list. I sliced through a Tunze cord trying to remove the tank trim, so I'm going to repair the wires by soldering them and heat shrinking them. Monitor ALK to get the CARX tuned to the new load. Restock Coral for the few that I lost, and continue stocking fish. ENJOY BEING ABLE TO SEE MY TANK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Live View
  11. So the plan now: Fill the Tank, Build Rockscape, Add Sand, Mini Cycle (If there is one) plumb back in once levels look good, Shut down the Tub, regain my living room... and Go! Ran into one hiccup.... The holes for my overflows were cut too low. We sent AGE one of my Glass Holes overflows because I was worried about this exact issue, and it appears they didn't check and just went off the measurements I sent them. So the water level was under the Trim..... I spoke with Fish Gallery and they said they'd make it right.I told them i'd already built my aquascape and filled the tank. I contacted Glass Holes and they said they could custom make overflows that were slightly taller. In the meantime.... I moved all the Coral and Fish over! No more fish Tub! I situated the QT and Tank Cabinitry so that I could put the ATO container back away. New Overflows! It was a severe Pain to put them on since that extra Plastic trim was in the way. I ended up having to cut it off with a dremel to install them. This is a shot of the Tank setup from my Stairwell
  12. I got Quotes from AGE, Reef Saavy, Planet Aquarium, and DAS for the exact same footprint tank so I didn't throw away all the Plumbling, Electrical, and other work I just did with the new stand. Reef Saavy Quoted me 8 Months AGE Quoted 8 Weeks Never heard back from the others... So after some back and forth, AGE was who I went with. Black Silicone, PVC Bottom, Black Back, Drilled in the same place as my old tank, Steel Bracing. They delayed by an extra 3-4 weeks because of bad PVC material they were getting, so they waited unitl good material came in. (This shows why they have 0 record of tank failure, at least according to them) Finally done and curing! Then.. a week later! The Tank looks very good and sturdy. My only gripe at this point was that they put extra plasitc trim under the Metal trim to Glass Tops. I told them I didn't want them since I wouldn't use glass tops, and they put them anyway.
  13. I decided to make a new thread since this is basically a new setup and no longer Juiceman's Oceanic 200. This was my Reef before Catastrophe. On The First day of my Teacher Winter Break...... I was awoken by my girlfriend yelling at me that the return pump was sucking air and the was water all over the floor.... I came downstairs to find this We frantically began draining water into the 100 gallon tub I happen to still have and a 55 gallon drum so we could save all the coral and few fish that were in the tank. We emptied all of the water into the tubs and put all the coral in place, scooped out all the sand and put the live rock in the 55 gallon drum with a pump. Everything was temporarily stable by about noon so I could go to the tractor supply to pick up another tub and try to get everything plumbed back into the sump so I could get life-support back online. I picked up 150 gallon tub since They didn’t have any 100 gallons and plumbed it into my Sump via the overflows from my tank and some extra tubing I had left over. This is how my living room looked for the next 3 months. The rest of the live rock lived in my garage for 3 months. The tank seal split about 5 feet from the top of Chico to the paper towel roll. This is where the tank was originally re-sealed in the first place. I blame its failure on all the moving and shutting down back-and-forth for the first mive to my house and then down and up again for the new stand. I didn’t have to put any force with that tool into the gap just to give you an idea. What the end of that day looked like.....
  14. I'd be careful not adding enough bio pellets. You had a strong uptake source in your old sand and sump sand I'm sure, so watch it and see where it lands, might take a while to equal out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. See.... I wasn't going to start a new thread because I didn't want to loose the race to the longest thread along with you.... guess I'll start a new one too! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Sorry! SOLD Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Long gone. But he was kind of an azz Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Dallas Aquarium is really nice also! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I have my effluent running as a steady stream. I've had trouble with swings or changes in flow when I do otherwise. I tune the gate valve until a stream comes and then go back to make it as small as possible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Texted you... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. It changed it to super low quality... :/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Other than how much tds it takes out... idk. If you don't know how old it is... I'd start fresh, but that's me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Pending pickuo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I have a Huma Trigger free to whoever wants its. I'm in Georgetown at the moment but will be heading back to manor shortly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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