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Everything posted by KimP

  1. As we plan for our Seaworld trip tomorrow, I'm getting a little nervous about what to bring and what to leave. We will be there with our 2.5 yr old and our 5.5yr old nephew. What might we want to bring? What isn't really necessary? We are just bringing our umbrella stroller and it has a pretty small basket. We could also bring a backpack. If those are allowed...guess I'll look that up next! Any btdt advice? This is our first trip!
  2. Huge congrats! He's soooo cute! Way to go guys
  3. Wow, that's a gorgeous tank!
  4. I could definitely use some! Any chance I could pick up this weekend?
  5. If you don't find a big one, I have a couple 2-3” ones growing. Free.
  6. I have the club one right now. Works awesome as an acclimater. I'm about to try it as a fish trap today. I really like it so far!!
  7. Either way. You can just pay when you pick up.
  8. Shipping moved to Wed for delivery Thurs.
  9. By Monday evening sounds good. I can push shipping back a day too.
  10. Well, this isn't technically a real reef cleaners group buy. I would just be adding your items to my cart, then you can pay me back when you pick it up. Look at their website reefcleaners.org and let me know what you want.
  11. I already paid shipping. Overnight, so pretty much anything can be added.
  12. I just put in an order to reef cleaners and it's getting mailed Tuesday for overnight shipping. Posting here in case anybody wants to add anything. There's a pretty good sale going on this weekend.
  13. Wow, your tank looks great and so clean. Do you have any fish in there? The new additions are awesome, I love dendros!
  14. Thanks Teresa, that's good to know. I started only turning on 1 set of lights for a shorter photoperiod. There hasn't been any more die off, and what's left looks really good. Not sure if it's directly because of the reduced light, or if everything has settled in to the new arrangement and stabilized. It makes sense though that if there aren't enough nutrients in the water to be utilized by the plant, that having too much energy from the light, wouldn't work. Haha, I've never quite faced the trouble of having too clean of water before!
  15. What a great video! He sure is fast. I haven't had the patience yet to watch long enough and catch mine eating.
  16. You probably already know about this, but I figured I'd post anyway just in case. It's good info about live and frozen foods for predatory fish. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_6/volume_6_1/thiaminase.htm
  17. There's some place downtown that recycles styrofoam. I'd have to look up the name. I wonder if any lfs would want them?
  18. Awesome! Are you target feeding them?
  19. No problem at all with any other inhabitants. Fish, inverts, coral all look great. As far as the algae going sexual, I expected to have cloudy water and an increase in nitrates. Interesting! I had already put in an order for a few more macros before all this happened. I'll try a reduced photoperiod and possibly only run 2 of the 4 bulbs. I'm surprised that it's possible to have too much light on algae.
  20. I bought my first bag of them the other day and thought the exact same thing, lol. But I read the package and it says the fish are all frozen independently, then put it the bag. So it's easy to pop out one at a time even though they are all frozen.
  21. Oh man, that sucks. My two favorite corals. I don't have any advice, but I had something similar happen with a blasto. Can't remember what it fell into but it recovered well and didn't take too long. Obviously keep them apart, lol. Good luck!
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