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Posts posted by Isaac

  1. I used hard plumbing where i could... however if you have anything not part of the tank/stand, you want some sorta give.  i plumbed through a wall... so between the wall and the tank, i used something flexible... houses/walls/furniture moves.... be it rain, drought, or basic thermal expansion.  even a tiny move breaks something like pvc if its in the right spot.

  2. ah, even better (i have external).  can you lower the return (drain) line a little bit?  on external skimmers, the lowest part of the return line is your base level.  so if it comes out of your skimmer and goes up a little bit, try lower that.  if it comes out of the skimmer and goes down.. you need to limit the pumps input feeding the skimmer.    with the air stopped... what is the water level at? (before you start moving stuff)

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