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Posts posted by Isaac

  1. ugh, thats awful. im sorry :(  I have a similar light to yours, but its only 12" above the frag tank.  blue at 60% and white at 10% (i got the digital/timer version).  You probably have them pumped up higher so that shouldn't be why.   It may be possible that these coral got used to your larger tank's water parameters, bacteria, and general environment, but downsizing the tank and having larger ratio water changes, it could have affected that balance quite a bit.  

    the thing often overlooked(well, more like take for granted) by us larger tank folk... the more volume you have, the more stable the system becomes, and the easier it is for the system to recover from, or fight,  "events" (temp swings, co2 changes in the room, accidental overdose, bad topoff water, etc).  When you reduce the volume, you lose a bunch of that stability and "buffer," so to speak.   My 29g biocube in my office is far from stable, its got crazy mood swings, while my main DT tank is a 180, but add in fuge, frag, sump, reactors, etc.. its at 270.  I don't see much "swing" in the larger system.  hell, adding the 20g frag to the loop didn't affect anything noticeable... and its got a diatom bloom raging right now.

    I know none of this "helps," but understanding WHY is always a learning experience for next time!

    You could always check in on your old tank, offer any help they need, then ask for a few frags once your tank stabilizes :)  its a win/win, you get to visit your old tank, make new friends, and get frags!  And if you help them w/ maint, you can get old change water to re-seed your frag tank's water.

  2. my biocube's dinos finally went away after adding more fish and feeding more.  i think the trick is to out-compete the crap. what crap? 


    It kills off any single celled organism (including algae, bacteria etc) and most if not all people who dosed it in their tanks saw their dinos go away for good. Also, with very little ill effects.

    now, its obviously not a cure-all, because just peroxide alone didnt help me.

  3. 26 minutes ago, don duncan said:

    I am looking for some red and green caps.  I would also like to find some Hollywood stunner 


    I got stunner/alieneye... some fresh pieces i havnt even mounted on plugs yet!  PM me to coordinate.

  4. the apex itself doesnt accept webapi input for "probes", only for changing the config or switch outlet status, but apex fusion does accept more stuff.   The main reason i went apex, was the LOCAL control of things.  I do not, and will not ever, rely on remote, cloud based, management of items.  yes, even for my z-wave and stuff, i hacked my wink to use local access if required. (if the hacks hadnt been out in the wild, i would have chosen something other than wink).  Imagine you invest thousands or dollars in a product which depends on a cloud solution, and the company goes bellyup... that investment is now dead.  call me paranoid, but eff that action.

  5. i had that problem last year, when i refilled my media, i upped the ratio.  3 scoops coarse arm, one scoop neomag.  This ratio is well above what the bag says, but its seems to be perfect since.  you can see layers in my reactor since i didnt really mix it in,


    I have two clumps of what we all lovingly call "texas trash paly".  these have a mix of a bright/neon green, and a flat green.  One is adult fist size ($35), and one is baby fist size ($20).  obo.

    20170828_193356.jpg 20170828_193404.jpg 20170828_193350.jpg


    If you are into paly's, these are very VERY healthy.  

    below is a pict of the mother colony before my war against them began:

    20160318_123355 (Medium).jpg




  7. A new army has joined the war against the axis of palys...

    20170828_193234 (Medium).jpg

    I was able to remove 4 old old plugs which had paly overgrowth.  2 went to the trash (they just didnt look nice), two are going a the sale thread!

    check out the GSP snuffing out that one paly on the right.

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