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Everything posted by Woods

  1. Per club policy he has to list a price.
  2. Yes, it said $20k, when first posted. I also saw it on Craigslist for that price... He's dreaming for a 110g, even with his rare coral piece...
  3. May I ask why you are QTing a clownfish in a 55g and a Black Tang in a 20g? It seems you should do those reverse.....
  4. Yes, he is doing fine but is only about 1.5 inches and I like having multiple together... They tend to swim together especially if one is smaller than the other.
  5. How much for the Hippo? I am interested.
  6. It's a chiton and probably not one that gets very big.... I have had some in my tank for 2 yrs and none have grown...
  7. How big is it now? There are tiny chitons as well so I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't get any bigger... I have a bunch of tiny ones in my tank.
  8. What is a fortune? A range you are willing to spend will help the rest of us determine if what we have is worth contacting you about....
  9. Dennis, I have read Borneman's stuff and he still fed his tanks but like Patrick says, it helped feed his system to a degree but he still had to add food for fish, etc.... In fact, the food recipe that Troy and I used to make our own frozen food was based off Borneman's recipe.
  10. I think this discussion can be aimed at lagoon type environments for our hobby but not SPS or lower nutrient systems. this is great in theory, but text books don't equal real life and don't mean every hobby reef type either or the type of macros we may keep. I use Chaeto about the size of a football so I am a proponent of macros, but I believe lagoons in nature, to be as effective as they are, require ratios to reef sizes that are difficult for us in the hobby to provide in our small setups, and yes small even means my 180g tank compared to the ocean. My perfect setup would have fuges and cryptic zones 3 to 5 times the size of my reef and then I think we are talking legit ratios for a lower nutrient system.
  11. I have a couple smaller frags of it. I had a bunch for sale a few weeks ago and sold all of them but 1 that ended up splitting in half as I was trying to rubber band it to a rock... I have 2 of the larger ones reserved for Sherita still but the 2 smaller ones are available. You can find my original post if the picture of the main colony before I fragged it. I got my original from Rory (Juiceman).
  12. I run a Mag18 on my 180g with. All of the flow currently going into the tank and then thru the overflow so that same amount goes thru my Fuge. I have chase to in there that doesn't tumble at all and it grows fast enough for me to pull a gallon size bag out every month.... I think there is more than one way to build the mouse trap. It depends on your system and wants to determine your design....
  13. I like it! I am planning out my Water Change system right now as well. I am using the same type of barrels and plan to build a stand to stack them and have RO barrel high with the mixing barrel under so it slides in and out for use or storing between water changes. Trying to save a little garage floor space. I like your waste water idea. I may have to borrow the idea. Looks good!
  14. hmmm, I am looking for branching...
  15. I am interested. How many heads? Is it a wall or branching? It looks like a wall but I didn't think Torches came in a wall type... Do you have any non actinic pics with it fully extended?
  16. Mine is doing great and has grown from about 1.5" to about 6" since last Spring/early Summer.
  17. 100%. 5 inches off water
  18. The females of several of the Fairy wrasses look very similar to this so I don't think you are going to be able to effectively identify it without additional information of collection area or if the store that ordered it has a name from the wholesaler. But my guess is that it is a female and not male as most of the males are very distinct in color pattern and much easier to define. It could be a female Whipfin as they don't necessarily have the longer fin, a Clair's female, a Redfin female, Yellowfin/Barred female... I doubt it is a Labout's as the female still has purple lines running the length of the body.
  19. Also what store you got it from can possibly help as the LFS's have certain kinds they get in on a regular basis from my experience...
  20. No, it will move on and be fine. they do sometimes knock corals over or off your rocks onto the sandbed and that can cause damage...
  21. Can you get a clearer pic with its fins more visible? It is some kind of Fairy wrasse but there are several that are red like that. need a better pic to better identify markings.
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