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Posts posted by RobR

  1. WOW! Most marriages don't last that long, at least not anyone that I know. LOL!

    Any longevity tips?

    My tip, don't tell your wife that.


    As for the fish that is really awesome that those guys have lived that long!!! I had no idea that some of these guys live as long as 30-40 years. Had heard of clowns that live for close to 20 years, but 30 is pretty darn amazing!!!!

  2. Looks good so far! Aquascaping those dimensions may be challenging, 13" is not a whole lot of height and width. IMO it looks pretty darn good. Plenty of room for your zoas and some nice open area for your fish to swim.

  3. The sixline is meant to be pest control and an active attractive addition. I welcome other suggestions.

    IMO Halichores species are great pest control without the aggression of a sixline. My suggestion for that size tank would be the red lined wrasse (Halichoeres biocellatus). It is one of the smaller Halichores species and looks pretty cool IMO. Hope that helps....

    Can't wait to see this tank come together, it should be very colorful with all those zoas!

  4. Sounds really cool, I am interested to see some pics cause that seems like a really long, skinny, shallow tank.

    Like the stocking list with the exception of the sixline, not a big fan personally they get a bit to aggressive, and they could cause an issue with the firefish. Are you set on a sixline, and is he going to function as a pest controller?

    Starry blennies are so very cool, they have some of the craziest personalties of fish, IMO great choice there.

  5. Thomas deepest condolences to you and your family. It was just a couple of weeks ago that he helped me with some plumbing issues on my tank. Your brother was so very wonderfull and will be sorely missed by the reefing community

    Definetly puts things into perspective, well said Jestep.

    Ty PP sent.

  6. Just a heads up, they have poor survival rates. If you are lucky enough to get one eating and he makes it through the first couple of months, he's golden! That's why I jumped all over Offroaddodge's CBB.

    I spoke too soon! Mine is eating alright...


    Looks like clam is on the menu tonight! He basically shredded the insides before I could intervene so I snapped a picture for prosperity. I put what's left of the clam in the sump but I'm pretty sure it's a goner. I put this on you Madsalt! He was enraged once he heard me call him soft so he showed me what's up!

    Waaa thats no good..... Man it's frustrating when you have a cool fish pull some junk like that....I had a melanurus wrasse that pulled the same thing with one of my new clams.... Needless to say he got the old boot.

    He ain't kidding around though, looks like he is enjoying that meal That really stinks.... Hope the clam pulls through....

  7. I thought I was hardcore metal halide but you outdid me and went with the old school magnetic ballasts! I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! Tank is looking good with water in it!

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

    Well from the pics of the new tank you are def worthy.... Especially after the catchy you tube music you set to your pod video!!

    Ha yeah water in it................ now to get the actual salt water, and livestock in there.... It'll be 2015 if things keep moving at the rate they are tongue.png

    • Like 1
  8. Nice Rob...

    What ballast are you running to power your MH?

    Thnk you!!! I have 2 of the reeflex cube M80 spec ballast to run the 250W radiums. It is not easy to find the magnetic ballast any longer, but form everything that I have read these are the proper ballast for the radiums. Folks say that thay can get 12-18 months from a radium on the M80.

    Cast, not cars. Bummer to hear. Sounds like 10k halides will easily overpower one super actinic strip. Shame. I bet they look great for dawn and dusk. I was always wondering if the super actinic strips would be more effective than t5 or vhot12 for actinics on halides since they're so much more aggressively blue

    Are you running 10K halides? I would think that the LED's might actually be more visible on a 10K setup. With the 10K being much yellower than the 20K radiums, I would think that you would really see the added blue from the super actinic... Good question about the T5/VHO though, I would think that they would probably be along the same lines with the edge going to LED just because you woulnd't have to replace bulbs every year....

  9. Nice full tank shots!! love the way the aqua scape turned out and the way the halides spotlight the islands... The two island look is what awesome and looks like the fish have plenty of swimming room. The tank is looking good Ty, wish I could have made it yesterday to see it in person.... Sorry to hear about your losses that really sucks :( Sounds like you have a good plan to get the STN under control, thats a good thing.

  10. Congrats on the new tank the dimensions of the 120 are great!!! 40-42" should be a great height for the stand, that will give you plenty of room underneath for skimmer and accessories. Looking good, looking forward to watching this come together!

  11. Nice build! I've been wondering why you don't see more people using BML super actinics with halides. Have you decided to run it in the back of the tank instead of the front? Seems like running it in the front would make the "viewing side" off the corals pop more and running in the back would cars shadows on the front side of the tank

    Yeah the BML super actinics are super nice, I am impressed so far! Although when the halides are on they kinda drowns out the LEDs. Hmmm had not thought of putting the LEDs up front just put them in the back for accessibility purposes... May have to move them to the front and see what it looks like....

  12. Hi I have a brand new CPR sock holder it dual inlet filter sock holder that holds 7" socks. I cannot use this on my new build due to the limited space in my sump. It's brand new and really is a nice holder. This retails for $43.99. It's yours for $35. Possibly open to trades for some high end sps frags or possibly high end zoas....



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